Include detailed infos for PHP classes, methods, functions or constants to your GitBook. (for example when documenting a PHP Library)
Markdown from Preview:
{% PHPclassDisplayer "DateTime" %}
Datetime class
{% endPHPclassDisplayer %}
{% PHPmethodDisplayer "setDate($year, $month, $day)" %}
Set the date.
{% param "$year", type="int" %}
The year.
{% param "$month", type="int" %}
The month.
{% param "$day", type="int" %}
The day.
{% return %}
Either false on failure, or the datetime object for method chaining.
{% endPHPmethodDisplayer %}
{% PHPmethodDisplayer "setTime($hour, $minute[, $second])" %}
Set the time.
{% param "$hour", type="int" %}
The hour.
{% param "$minute", type="int" %}
The minute.
{% param "$second", type="int" %}
The second.
{% return %}
Either false on failure, or the datetime object for method chaining.
{% endPHPmethodDisplayer %}
{% PHPconstDisplayer "ATOM" %}
{% endPHPconstDisplayer %}