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  • UE plugin to handle TCP (client/server) and UDP (peer) socket communications
  • Multi threaded implementation for each connection
  • Async nodes to quickly create a tcp (client/server) or udp socket
  • Send binary data (bytes) or text with specific encoding
  • Get network informations about your machine or an ip address
  • Use async blueprint functions to quickly setup a socket and establish a communication



  1. Get the plugin on the marketplace and install the plugin for the engine version you wish to use
  2. Create or open an unreal engine project with a supported version
  3. In the editor, go to Edit/Plugins, search for the plugin, check the box to enable it and restart the editor
  4. When a new plugin version is available, go to your Epic Games Launcher, under Unreal Engine/Library, below the engine version, you will find your installed plugins, find the plugin and click on update, then wait for it to finish and restart your editor



If you encounter issues with this plugin, you should report it, to do so, in the editor, go to Edit/Plugins, search for this plugin, click on the plugin support button, this will open your browser and navigate to the plugin issue form where you need to fill in all the relevant details about your issue, this will help me investigate and reproduce it on my own in order to fix it. Be precise and give as many details as you can. Once solved, a new plugin version will be submitted to the marketplace, update the plugin and you are good to go. Due to epic marketplace limitations, I can only patch/update this plugin for the last 3 engine version, older engine versions will not be supported anymore.

Feature requests

If you want a new feature relevant to this plugin use case, you can submit a request in the plugin marketplace question page. I may add this new feature in a future plugin version.


Screenshots may differ from the latest plugin version, some features may have evolved or have been removed if deprecated.

ESocketError is an enum used to enumerate all the errors that can occur

ESocketTextEncoding is an enum used to enumerate all the text encodings available

ESocketHelperIpProtocol is an enum used to enumerate all the ip protocols available

FInfoAddr is a struct used to provide address informations like Ip, Port, IpProtocol, SocketProtocol.

FInfosAddr is a struct used to provide addresses informations like CanonicalName, Addresses.

FSocketHelperAddress is a struct used to represent an internet address and its data like Endpoint, Ip, Port, IpProtocol.


utility nodes

Node Inputs Outputs Note
IsSocketSupported Result(Bool) Checks whether the socket subsystem is supported by the platform
Decode Bytes(Array(Byte)), Encoding(ESocketTextEncoding) Result(String) Decodes an array of bytes with a specific encoding into a string
Encode Str(String), Encoding(ESocketTextEncoding) Result(Array(Byte)) Encodes a string with a specific encoding into an array of bytes
IsIpv4Address Address(String) Result(Bool) Checks whether the string provided is an ipv4 address
IsIpv6Address Address(String) Result(Bool) Checks whether the string provided is an ipv6 address
HasNetworkInterface Result(Bool) Checks whether any network interfaces are available on the machine
GetLocalInterfaces Result(Array(String)) Returns the network interfaces available on the machine
GetMachineHostName HostName(String), Result(Bool) Returns the host name found for the machine
ResolveHostName Host(String) Success(Bool), HostIp(String) DNS resolves an hostname into an IP
AddCachedHostName HostName(String), HostIp(String) Result(Bool) Saves an hostname and its ip in the cache for fast resolve query
RemoveCachedHostName HostName(String) Result(Bool) Removes an hostname and its ip from the cache
GetAddressInfos HostName(String), Service(String) Success(Bool), Result(FInfosAddr) Finds the ips for an hostname and a specific service like smtp, www, ...
MakeAddressFromIpPort Ip(String), Port(Int) Result(FSocketHelperAddress) Creates an address from an ip and port
MakeAddressFromEndpoint Endpoint(String) Result(FSocketHelperAddress) Creates an address from an endpoint

TCP Client

tcp client nodes

A tcp client connects to a tcp server and exchanges data using the transfer control protocol (connectionful exchange)

FTcpSocketOptions is a struct used to provide socket options like RemoteAddress, LocalAddress, Name, ReceiveBufferSize, SendBufferSize, TextEncoding. If "LocalAddress" is not assigned when opening connection, a random endpoint on your machine will be bound to establish the connection, you must provide a valid remote endpoint though.

FTcpSocketResult is a struct used to provide event data result like BytesMessage, TextMessage, BoundAddress, ClosedByClient, ErrorCode, ErrorReason, Error.

Traditional nodes

Bind to the events before opening connection to receive them properly

Node Inputs Outputs Note
CreateTcpSocketClient Result(UTCPClientHandler) Initiate a tcp client handler, save the reference into a variable to avoid garbage collection
Open Options(FTcpSocketOptions) Result(Bool) Tries to open a socket and connection with remote endpoint based on options provided
Close Result(Bool) Tries to close the socket and connection with remote endpoint. Call this function to end communication and free memory resources
SendBytes Data(Array(Byte)) ByteSent(Int), Result(Bool) Sends data to the remote endpoint and returns the amount of bytes sent
SendText Data(String), TextEncoding(ESocketTextEncoding) ByteSent(Int), Result(Bool) Sends encoded text to the remote endpoint and returns the amount of bytes sent
IsConnected Result(Bool) Checks whether this client is connected to a server
GetLocalAddress Result(FSocketHelperAddress) Returns the current local endpoint bound for this connection
OnConnected BoundAddress(FSocketHelperAddress) Triggered when the connection is established on the local bound endpoint
OnClosed ClosedByClient(Bool) Triggered when the connection was closed by the remote or the client
OnError Code(Int), Reason(String), Error(ESocketError) Triggered when an error occurs, reason contains additional information
OnTextMessage Message(String) Triggered when a text message is received from remote
OnByteMessage Message(Array(Byte)) Triggered when a bytes message is received from remote

One node to rule them all (Async)

These compact nodes return a handler to access the same feature as the traditional approach described above, calling these async nodes again won't create another socket unless you closed the previous one

Node Inputs Outputs Note
AsyncTcpSocket Options(FTcpSocketOptions) OutHandler(UTCPClientHandler) Initiate and opens a tcp socket with provided options
OnConnected Result(FTcpSocketResult) Event triggered when connection is established
OnTextMessage Result(FTcpSocketResult) Event triggered when a text message is received
OnBytesMessage Result(FTcpSocketResult) Event triggered when a binary message is received
OnClosed Result(FTcpSocketResult) Event triggered when connection is closed
OnError Result(FTcpSocketResult) Event triggered when an error occurs, you can check the "ErrorReason" and "Error" properties to have more details about it

TCP Server

tcp server nodes

A tcp server listens for incoming connections from tcp clients and communicates with them using the transfer control protocol (connectionful exchange)

FTcpServerOptions is a struct used to provide socket options like LocalAddress, ListenIntervalRate, ConnectionQueueSize, MaxClients, Name, ReceiveBufferSize, SendBufferSize, TextEncoding. A valid "LocalAddress" must be provided to start the server.

FTcpServerResult is a struct used to provide event data result like BoundAddress, Clients, ByteMessage, TextMessage, SenderAddress, ConnectedAddress, DisconnectedAddress, HasLostConnection, ErrorCode, ErrorReason, Error.

Traditional nodes

Bind to the events before starting server to receive them properly

Node Inputs Outputs Note
CreateTcpSocketServer Result(UTCPServerHandler) Initiate a tcp server handler, save the reference into a variable to avoid garbage collection
Start Options(FTcpServerOptions) Result(Bool) Starts a tcp server and listen for connections attempt
Stop Result(Bool) Closes the communications with connected clients and free resources
Pause Result(Bool) Stops listening for incoming connections, but still receives data from connected clients
Resume Result(Bool) Resume listening for incoming connections
DisconnectClient ClientAddress(FSocketHelperAddress) Result(Bool) Closes the connection with a specific client
SendText Data(String), TextEncoding(ESocketTextEncoding) ByteSent(Int), Result(Bool) Sends text message to all connected clients
SendBytes Data(Array(Byte)) ByteSent(Int), Result(Bool) Sends bytes message to all connected clients
SendTextTo Data(String), ClientAddress(FSocketHelperAddress), TextEncoding(ESocketTextEncoding) ByteSent(Int), Result(Bool) Sends text message to a specific connected client
SendBytesTo Data(Array(Byte)), ClientAddress(FSocketHelperAddress) ByteSent(Int), Result(Bool) Sends bytes message to a specific connected client
IsListening Result(Bool) Returns whether the server is listening to incoming connection attempt
GetBoundAddress Result(FSocketHelperAddress) Returns the local bound endpoint on which this server is listening
GetClientCount Result(Int) Returns the number of clients connected to the server
GetClients Result(Array(FSocketHelperAddress)) Returns the addresses of the clients connected to the server
OnStart BoundAddress(FSocketHelperAddress) Triggered when the server is started and listens on a specific endpoint
OnStop Triggered when the server is stopped
OnError Code(Int), Reason(String), EError(ESocketError) Triggered when an error occurs, reason contains additional information
OnConnected ConnectedAddress(FSocketHelperAddress), Count(Int) Triggered when a new client connects to the server
OnDisconnected DisconnectedAddress(FSocketHelperAddress), HasLostConnection(Bool), Count(Int) Triggered when a client is disconnected from the server
OnTextMessage Message(String), SenderAddress(FSocketHelperAddress) Triggered when a new text message is received from a client
OnByteMessage Message(Array(Byte)), SenderAddress(FSocketHelperAddress) Triggered when a new byte message is received from a client

One node to rule them all (Async)

These compact nodes return a handler to access the same feature as the traditional approach described above, calling these async nodes again won't create another socket unless you closed the previous one

Node Inputs Outputs Note
AsyncTcpServer Options(FTcpServerOptions) OutHandler(UTCPServerHandler) Initiate and starts a tcp server with provided options
OnStart Result(FTcpServerResult) Event triggered when server is started
OnConnected Result(FTcpServerResult) Event triggered when a new client is connected
OnTextMessage Result(FTcpServerResult) Event triggered when a text message is received
OnByteMessage Result(FTcpServerResult) Event triggered when a binary message is received
OnDisconnected Result(FTcpServerResult) Event triggered when a client is disconnected
OnStop Result(FTcpServerResult) Event triggered when server is stopped
OnError Result(FTcpServerResult) Event triggered when an error occurs, you can check the "ErrorReason" and "Error" properties to have more details about it

UDP Socket

udp peer nodes

An udp peer listens for incoming messages from other udp peers and communicates with them using the user datagram protocol (connectionless exchange)

FUdpSocketOptions is a struct used to provide socket options like ListenAddress, Name, ReceiveBufferSize, SendBufferSize, TextEncoding. If you do not provide a "ListenAddress", you won't be receiving message, but will still be able to send them.

FUdpSocketResult is a struct used to provide event data result like BytesMessage, TextMessage, SenderAddress, IsBound, BoundAddress, ErrorCode, ErrorReason, Error.

Traditional nodes

Bind to the events before opening socket to receive them properly

Node Inputs Outputs Note
CreateUdpSocket Result(UUDPSocketHandler) Initiate an udp socket handler, save the reference into a variable to avoid garbage collection
Open Options(FUdpSocketOptions) Result(Bool) Tries to create and eventually bind the socket to a local endpoint
Close Result(Bool) Tries to close the socket
SendBytes Data(Array(Byte)), RemoteAddress(FSocketHelperAddress) ByteSent(Int), Result(Bool) Sends data to the remote endpoint and returns the amount of bytes sent
SendText Data(String), RemoteAddress(FSocketHelperAddress), Encoding(ESocketTextEncoding) ByteSent(Int), Result(Bool) Sends encoded text to the remote endpoint and returns the amount of bytes sent
IsListening Result(Bool) Returns whether the socket is listening for incoming messages
IsRunning Result(Bool) Returns whether the socket is valid
OnConnected IsBound(Bool), BoundAddress(FSocketHelperAddress) Triggered when the socket is created and eventually bound to a local endpoint for incoming messages
OnClosed Triggered when the socket was closed
OnError Code(Int), Reason(String), Error(ESocketError) Triggered when an error occurs, reason contains additional information
OnTextMessage Message(String), SenderAddress(FSocketHelperAddress) Triggered when a new text message is received from a peer
OnByteMessage Message(Array(Byte)), SenderAddress(FSocketHelperAddress) Triggered when a new byte message is received from a peer

One node to rule them all (Async)

These compact nodes return a handler to access the same feature as the traditional approach described above, calling these async nodes again won't create another socket unless you closed the previous one

Node Inputs Outputs Note
AsyncUdpSocket Options(FUdpSocketOptions) OutHandler(UUDPSocketHandler) Initiate and creates a udp socket with provided options
OnConnected Result(FUdpSocketResult) Event triggered when socket is created and active
OnTextMessage Result(FUdpSocketResult) Event triggered when a text message is received from a peer
OnBytesMessage Result(FUdpSocketResult) Event triggered when a binary message is received from a peer
OnClosed Result(FUdpSocketResult) Event triggered when socket is closed
OnError Result(FUdpSocketResult) Event triggered when an error occurs, you can check the "ErrorReason" and "Error" properties to have more details about it


Demo TCP client

Demo TCP server

Demo UDP peer


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