forks from codegangsta/gin and remove unused features.
Just run goreload
in your app directory.
will automatically recompile your code when it
detects a change.
goreload using fsnotify as default tool to detect changes, radovskyb/watcher can be configured by args.
go get github.com/oxycoder/goreload
# auto look for main.go
# run abc.go file
goreload abc.go
# watch .tmpl and .css extension, .go is default
goreload --ext .tmpl --ext .scss
# store binary file in path
goreload --bin ./bin/myproject
--bin value, -b value string Path to generated binary file (default: "./bin/gorl")
--path value, -t value string Path to watch files from (default: ".")
--ext value, -e value string File extention to watch changes, seperate by `|` character, default `.go|.html`
--excludeDir value, -x value []string Relative directories to exclude
--buildArgs value string Arguments passed to `go build` command
--runArgs value string Arguments passed when run program
--logPrefix value string Setup custom log prefix
--delay int Delay build after detect files change, default value is 400
--help, -h bool show help
--version, -v string print the version
--showWatchedFiles, -swf bool Print watched files
--debug, -dlv bool Enable debug
--dlvAddr string dlv server address, default :2345
--watcher string Watcher, default `fsnotify`, available: `fsnotify` and `bwatcher`
# Dockerfile
FROM golang:alpine as build
RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache git
# for live reload
RUN go get github.com/oxycoder/goreload
WORKDIR /myapp
ENTRYPOINT goreload --bin ./bin/myapp
# docker-compose.yml
version: '3'
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile # build image from Dockerfile
- ./:/myapp
- $GOPATH/pkg/mod/cache:/go/pkg/mod/cache # mount host go cache folder to speed up download
working_dir: /myapp
- "8000:8000"