farmer Public
Forked from CompositionalIT/farmerRepeatable Azure deployments with ARM templates - made easy!
F# MIT License UpdatedJan 31, 2024 -
azure-cli-extensions Public
Forked from ctaggart/azure-cli-extensionsPublic Repository for Extensions of Azure CLI.
Python MIT License UpdatedJun 3, 2021 -
fluent-plugin-imds Public
Forked from Azure/fluent-plugin-imdsFilter plugin for fluentd to append IMDS metadata to logs
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJun 4, 2020 -
atrium-odl Public
Forked from onfsdn/atrium-odlAtrium is an integrated vertical stack for SDN deployment
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 31, 2016 -
yang Public
Forked from YangModels/yangYANG modules from standards organizations such as the IETF, open source such as Open Daylight or vendor specific modules
HTML UpdatedMay 3, 2016