This library is a utility for loading aseprite image data as well as some utilities for using them in Godot and MonogGame.
- Asefile can be used to supply the decoded structure of an aseprite file
- Asefile.Common includes blending functions and some classes to step frames for animator utilities
- AsefileMG includes utilities to render an aseprite onto a MonoGame texture, as well as some utilities to render individual frames or some animated sprites as well.
- An included example project demonstrates how to use those utilities (see AsefileMGExample.cs)
- Asefile.Godot includes a utility to generate a SpriteFrames from an AseFile object given a set of tags
- An included example godot project is included that can be loaded in the editor demonstrates how to use the utility as well as generates a tres. (see node2d.cs)
- Grayscale and indexed colors are untested
- Encoding back into an aseprite file is unsupported as of yet
- Tiles are untested
- To support encoding to an aseprite file
- Test other color encodings
- Expand class libraries for monogame & godot
- Create nuget packages for godot and monogame usage respectively
- The godot SpriteFrameUtils should be improved to use the AsePlayMode class to play the animation under the hood so that ping-pong/reverse animations are generated accurately
private Texture2D chicaTexture;
public override void LoadContent()
// Load the ase file and render it to a texture
AseFile chicaFile = new AseFile("chica.aseprite");
chicaTexture = GenerateTexture2DFromAseFile(chicaFile, GraphicsDevice);
protected override void Draw(GameTime gameTime)
// ...
// draw the texture to the window
SpriteBatch.Draw(chicaTexture, new Vector2(100, 100), null,
Color.White, 0.0f, Vector2.Zero, Vector2.One * 2, SpriteEffects.None, 1f);
public static Texture2D GenerateTexture2DFromAseFile(AseFile aseFile, GraphicsDevice graphicsDevice)
var resultTexture = new Texture2D(graphicsDevice, aseFile.Width * aseFile.Frames.Count, aseFile.Height);
// Allocate a pixel buffer that acomodates all of the frames by multiplying the width by number of frames
Color[] chicaBuffer = new Color[(aseFile.Width * aseFile.Frames.Count) * aseFile.Height];
Array.Fill(chicaBuffer, Color.Transparent);
for (int frame = 0; frame < aseFile.Frames.Count; frame++) // render each frame
int offsetX = frame * aseFile.Width;
foreach (var cel in aseFile.Frames[frame].Cels)
// Loop through each pixel in the cel, and blit it into the buffer
for (int celY = 0; celY < cel.HeightInPixels; celY++)
for (int celX = 0; celX < cel.WidthInPixels; celX++)
var pixel = cel.PixelData[celX + celY * cel.WidthInPixels];
if (pixel.A == 0)
chicaBuffer[(offsetX + celX + cel.XPos + ((celY + cel.YPos) * aseFile.Width * aseFile.Frames.Count))] =
// asefile is System.Drawing.Color - and monogame uses Xna color
new Color(pixel.R, pixel.G, pixel.B, pixel.A);
return resultTexture;
The results will look like this:
This example is a little bit more simple. Presuming you have a Sprite2D named Sprite2D in your tree, the code is mostly the same:
public partial class Node2D : Godot.Node2D
private Sprite2D sprite;
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
public override void _Ready()
AseFile aseFile = new AseFile("chica.aseprite");
sprite = GetNode<Sprite2D>("Sprite2D");
sprite.TextureFilter = TextureFilterEnum.Nearest;
sprite.Texture = GenerateTexture2DFromAseFile(aseFile);
public static ImageTexture GenerateTexture2DFromAseFile(AseFile aseFile)
Image img = Image.Create(aseFile.Width * aseFile.Frames.Count, aseFile.Height, false, Image.Format.Rgba8);
for (int frame = 0; frame < aseFile.Frames.Count; frame++) // render each frame
int offsetX = frame * aseFile.Width;
foreach (var cel in aseFile.Frames[frame].Cels)
// Loop through each pixel in the cel, and blit it into the buffer
for (int celY = 0; celY < cel.HeightInPixels; celY++)
for (int celX = 0; celX < cel.WidthInPixels; celX++)
var pixel = cel.PixelData[celX + celY * cel.WidthInPixels];
if (pixel.A == 0)
img.SetPixel(offsetX + celX + cel.XPos, celY + cel.YPos,
new Color((float)pixel.R/255, (float)pixel.G/255, (float)pixel.B/255, (float)pixel.A/255));
return ImageTexture.CreateFromImage(img);
From that the output will look the same as the above picture, except in Godot a dark grey background is the default.
With a restructure of this code a SpriteFrames
could be constructed for an AnimatedSprite2D
- The ase-file spec
- monogame-asprite BlendFunctions.cs