I’m currently learning Reinforcement Learning
💬 Ask me about DataScience,ML,DL,ASP.NET,Node here
⚡ Fun fact Vim Lover
I’m currently learning Reinforcement Learning
💬 Ask me about DataScience,ML,DL,ASP.NET,Node here
⚡ Fun fact Vim Lover
Analyze Retail Store data and build a RFM (Recency Frequency Monetary) model. And gain meaningful insight from the data.
Jupyter Notebook 1
Clustering company and forecast the stock price using ARIMA
Jupyter Notebook
Perform exploratory data analysis and perform cluster analysis to create cohorts of songs. The goal is to gain a better understanding of the various factors that contribute to creating a cohort of …
Jupyter Notebook
A Recommender system used to recommend books based on similar user taste, or similar books.
Jupyter Notebook