MetaBlog is where you will be able to write your heart's content. Our commitment to prioritizing user security ensures that your blogs are safe, so you can focus on what's more important. We have used user friendly interface. MetaBlog is all about making writing and sharing fun, so come on board and let your creativity shine!
This project is created using MERN stack technology. Previously, I had used Javascript on the frontend/client. But after learning how to use Typescript with react, I have switched to Typescript. I intend to add more new features to this webapp.
I have discontinued working on Javascript version as I will be working with Typescript version from now on. If you want to check out the Javascript version then go to this link : MetaBlog Js
I have used pnpm on this project. If you already have pnpm on your device just use this command after cloning this repo on both client and server folder respectively :
pnpm install
Delete the file named Pnpm-lock.yaml and use the following command on both client and server folder:
npm install
- Firebase authentication : Secure and trusted authentication system by google. As one of it's feature is that you won't be able to create multiple account with same email.
- Verification: You won't be able to create blog without verifying your email address. An email with verification link will be sent to your provided email address from firebase after successful registration.
- Jodit editor which is a powerful editor for writing blog. You have full freedom to customize and add blog as you prefer.
- Darkmode : We have Darkmode on this web app. You just need to click on the toggle button and dark mode will be applied throughout this website.
- Live Searchbar : We also have a searchbar at the navbar. You can type any words and it will show you blogs related to your typed words if it exits on our web app database.
- Beautiful Slider : We also have a slider on all blogs page. It will automatically change new blog thumbnail, image, author details and publish date after 4 second. Recently added 6 blogs will be shown here.
- Filter by category : After the slider you have filter option to filter blogs on these category: All blogs, Lifestyle, Technology, Travel, Business, Economy and Sports.
- Loading skeleton : We also have loading skeleton. When data is being loaded from the server you will be able to see loading skeleton and you will be able to get the idea of what kind of data will be serverd.
- Update blog : Author will be able to update their blog as well. If you are the author of that blog then you will see an update button at the end of your blog's detail page. By clicking on that button you will be redirect to the update blog page.
- Delete Blog: Author will be able to delete the blogs that they have created.
- Reactions : You will be able to like or dislike a blog from it's details page.