Contains supplementary simulation code for the work:
Ran Wang and Kenji Kashima.
"Deep reinforcement learning for static noisy state feedback control with reward estimation"
Advanced Robotics (2024).(pending review).
pip install gymnasium
pip install stable-baselines3
NoisyGridworld-v0 |
NoisyLimitCycle-v0 |
In NoisyGridworld-v0, the green block depicts the state of the robot, the orange circle depicts the noisy state observation. The robot observes the true state with a probability of
In NoisyLimitCycle-v0, the green circle depicts the target position, the blue dot depicts the true state, and the red dot depicts the noisy observation. Our purpose is to control the blue dot to the target position.
With the learned policy, we can achieve the control objectives against the measurement noise.
For NoisyLimitCycle-v0, we apply reward estimation technique. Note that a misunderstood reward function will lead to a wrong controller.
True reward function and estimated reward function |
The true reward function induced by the misunderstood reward function |
[1] Raffin A, Hill A, Gleave A, et al. Stable-baselines3: Reliable reinforcement learning implementations. Journal of Machine Learning Research. 2021;22(268):1-8.