This project tries to improve vprof by adding new commands and convars.
NOTE: This project currently only works on 32x
Currently, this module adds two new convars.
Causes VProf to show the name of the Lua hooks getting called.
Gmod request: Facepunch/garrysmod-requests#2374
is listed twice because the first one is our custom one and the second one is the original.
| | | | | | CLuaGamemode::Call (Think)
| | | | | | | CLuaGamemode::Call
| | | | | | | | CBaseLuaInterface::GetType
| | | | | | | | CLuaInterface::CallFunctionProtected
On Windows, the results currently are different because I can't detour the CLuaGamemode without breaking it :<
So now you see the hook name in CLuaInterface::PushPooledString (Hook name here)
| | CLuaGamemode::Call
| | | CLuaInterface::PushPooledString (Tick)
| | | CBaseLuaInterface::GetType
| | | CLuaInterface::CallFunctionProtected
| | | CLuaInterface::PushPooledString (Think)
Causes VProf to export a report into a file in the vprof/
You can load it like any normal module by using require, but you can also load it like a server plugin.
file "lua/bin/gmsv_vprof_linux.dll"