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ported over some of the analytic gradients from posadev (just for man…
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…ipulatorDynamics, not the contacts, constraints, or implicit cases… yet).

git-svn-id: c9849af7-e679-4ec6-a44e-fc146a885bd3
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russt committed Aug 13, 2012
1 parent e1a12fd commit 12786ab
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Showing 9 changed files with 273 additions and 12 deletions.
167 changes: 162 additions & 5 deletions systems/plants/PlanarRigidBodyManipulator.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,13 +48,170 @@
% obj = obj.setNumVelocityConstraints(0);%size([obj.model.body.ground_contact],2));

function [H,C,B] = manipulatorDynamics(obj,q,qd)
function [H,C,B,dH,dC,dB] = manipulatorDynamics(obj,q,qd)
m = obj.model.featherstone;
[H,C] = HandCp(m,q,qd,{},obj.model.gravity);
B = obj.model.B;

if (nargout>3)
% featherstone's HandCp with analytic gradients
a_grav = [0;obj.model.gravity];

S = cell(m.NB,1);
Xup = cell(m.NB,1);

v = cell(m.NB,1);
avp = cell(m.NB,1);

dXupdq = cell(m.NB,1);
dvdq = cell(m.NB,1); %dvdq{i,j} is d/dq(j) v{i}
dvdqd = cell(m.NB,1);
davpdq = cell(m.NB,1);
davpdqd = cell(m.NB,1);
fvp = cell(m.NB,1);
dfvpdq = cell(m.NB,1);
dfvpdqd = cell(m.NB,1);

for i = 1:m.NB
dvdq{i} = zeros(3,m.NB)*q(1);
dvdqd{i} = zeros(3,m.NB)*q(1);
davpdq{i} = zeros(3,m.NB)*q(1);
davpdqd{i} = zeros(3,m.NB)*q(1);
dfvpdq{i} = zeros(3,m.NB)*q(1);
dfvpdqd{i} = zeros(3,m.NB)*q(1);

[ XJ, S{i} ] = jcalcp( m.jcode(i), q(i) );
vJ = S{i}*qd(i);
dvJdqd = S{i};

Xup{i} = XJ * m.Xtree{i};
dXJdq = djcalcp(m.jcode(i), q(i));
dXupdq{i} = dXJdq * m.Xtree{i};

if m.parent(i) == 0
v{i} = vJ;
dvdqd{i}(:,i) = dvJdqd;

avp{i} = Xup{i} * -a_grav;
davpdq{i}(:,i) = dXupdq{i} * -a_grav;
j = m.parent(i);
v{i} = Xup{i}*v{j} + vJ;

dvdq{i} = Xup{i}*dvdq{j};
dvdq{i}(:,i) = dvdq{i}(:,i) + dXupdq{i}*v{j};

dvdqd{i} = Xup{i}*dvdqd{j};
dvdqd{i}(:,i) = dvdqd{i}(:,i) + dvJdqd;

avp{i} = Xup{i}*avp{j} + crmp(v{i})*vJ;

davpdq{i} = Xup{i}*davpdq{j};
davpdq{i}(:,i) = davpdq{i}(:,i) + dXupdq{i}*avp{j};
for k=1:m.NB,
davpdq{i}(:,k) = davpdq{i}(:,k) + ...

dvJdqd_mat = zeros(3,m.NB);
dvJdqd_mat(:,i) = dvJdqd;
davpdqd{i} = Xup{i}*davpdqd{j} + dcrmp(v{i},vJ,dvdqd{i},dvJdqd_mat);
fvp{i} = m.I{i}*avp{i} + crfp(v{i})*m.I{i}*v{i};
dfvpdq{i} = m.I{i}*davpdq{i} + dcrfp(v{i},m.I{i}*v{i},dvdq{i},m.I{i}*dvdq{i});
dfvpdqd{i} = m.I{i}*davpdqd{i} + dcrfp(v{i},m.I{i}*v{i},dvdqd{i},m.I{i}*dvdqd{i});

dC = zeros(m.NB,2*m.NB)*q(1);
IC = m.I; % composite inertia calculation
dIC = cell(m.NB, m.NB);
dIC = cellfun(@(a) zeros(3), dIC,'UniformOutput',false);

for i = m.NB:-1:1
C(i,1) = S{i}' * fvp{i};
dC(i,:) = S{i}'*[dfvpdq{i} dfvpdqd{i}];
if m.parent(i) ~= 0
fvp{m.parent(i)} = fvp{m.parent(i)} + Xup{i}'*fvp{i};
dfvpdq{m.parent(i)} = dfvpdq{m.parent(i)} + Xup{i}'*dfvpdq{i};
dfvpdq{m.parent(i)}(:,i) = dfvpdq{m.parent(i)}(:,i) + dXupdq{i}'*fvp{i};
dfvpdqd{m.parent(i)} = dfvpdqd{m.parent(i)} + Xup{i}'*dfvpdqd{i};

IC{m.parent(i)} = IC{m.parent(i)} + Xup{i}'*IC{i}*Xup{i};
for k=1:m.NB,
dIC{m.parent(i),k} = dIC{m.parent(i),k} + Xup{i}'*dIC{i,k}*Xup{i};
dIC{m.parent(i),i} = dIC{m.parent(i),i} + ...
dXupdq{i}'*IC{i}*Xup{i} + Xup{i}'*IC{i}*dXupdq{i};
dC(:,m.NB+1:end) = dC(:,m.NB+1:end) + diag(m.damping);

% minor adjustment to make TaylorVar work better.
%H = zeros(m.NB);

%Derivatives wrt q(k)
dH = zeros(m.NB^2,2*m.NB)*q(1);
for k = 1:m.NB
for i = 1:m.NB
fh = IC{i} * S{i};
dfh = dIC{i,k} * S{i}; %dfh/dqk
H(i,i) = S{i}' * fh;
dH(i + (i-1)*m.NB,k) = S{i}' * dfh;
j = i;
while m.parent(j) > 0
if j==k,
dfh = Xup{j}' * dfh + dXupdq{k}' * fh;
dfh = Xup{j}' * dfh;
fh = Xup{j}' * fh;

j = m.parent(j);
H(i,j) = S{j}' * fh;
H(j,i) = H(i,j);
dH(i + (j-1)*m.NB,k) = S{j}' * dfh;
dH(j + (i-1)*m.NB,k) = dH(i + (j-1)*m.NB,k);

B = obj.model.B;
dB = zeros(m.NB*obj.num_u,2*m.NB);
[H,C] = HandCp(m,q,qd,{},obj.model.gravity);
B = obj.model.B;

function [xdot, dxdot] = dynamics(obj,t,x,u)
% Provides the dynamics interface for sodynamics. This function
% does not handle contact or joint limits!
q=x(1:obj.num_q); qd=x((obj.num_q+1):end);

if nargout > 1
if (obj.num_xcon>0)
error('Not yet supported.');

[H,C,B,dH,dC,dB] = obj.manipulatorDynamics(q,qd);
Hinv = inv(H);

qdd = Hinv*(B*u - C);
dxdot = [zeros(obj.num_q,1+obj.num_q), eye(obj.num_q),...
-Hinv*matGradMult(dH(:,1:obj.num_q),qdd) - Hinv*dC(:,1:obj.num_q),...
-Hinv*dC(:,1+obj.num_q:end), Hinv*B];
xdot = [qd;qdd];
qdd = obj.sodynamics(t,q,qd,u);
xdot = [qd;qdd];

function phi = positionConstraints(obj,q)
error('not implemented yet'); % need to pull from posadev
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12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions systems/plants/test/testGradients.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
function testGradients

p = PlanarRigidBodyManipulator('../../../examples/Acrobot/Acrobot.urdf');
options.grad_method = {'user','taylorvar'};

for i=1:100
t = rand;
x = randn(4,1);
u = randn;

[xdot,dxdot] = geval(@p.dynamics,t,x,u,options);
10 changes: 3 additions & 7 deletions thirdParty/spatial/HandCp.m
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Expand Up @@ -43,21 +43,17 @@

for i = model.NB:-1:1
C(i,1) = S{i}' * fvp{i};
if model.parent(i) ~= 0
fvp{model.parent(i)} = fvp{model.parent(i)} + Xup{i}'*fvp{i};

IC = model.I; % composite inertia calculation

for i = model.NB:-1:1
C(i,1) = S{i}' * fvp{i};
if model.parent(i) ~= 0
fvp{model.parent(i)} = fvp{model.parent(i)} + Xup{i}'*fvp{i};
IC{model.parent(i)} = IC{model.parent(i)} + Xup{i}'*IC{i}*Xup{i};

% minor adjustment to make TaylorVar work better.
%H = zeros(model.NB);
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18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions util/dXpln.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
function dX = dXpln( theta, r, varIndex)

% dXpln coordinate transform derivative wrt theta for planar vectors.
% dXpln(theta,r) calculates the derivative of the coordinate transform
% matrix from A to B coordinates for planar motion vectors, where
% coordinate frame B is located at point r (2D vector expressed in A
% coords) relative to frame A, and is rotated by an angle theta (radians)
% relative to A.

c = cos(theta);
s = sin(theta);
if varIndex == 1
dX = [0 0 0; c*r(1)+s*r(2) -s c; -s*r(1)+c*r(2) -c -s];
elseif varIndex == 2
dX = [0 0 0; s 0 0; c 0 0];
elseif varIndex == 3
dX = [0 0 0; -c 0 0; s 0 0];
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions util/dcrfp.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
function dvcross = dcrfp( v ,x, dv, dx)
% @return d/dy crfp(v)*x
% @param v
% @param x
% @param dv = dv/dy
% @param dx = dx/dy
dvcross = [-dv(3,:)*x(2) - v(3)*dx(2,:) + dv(2,:)*x(3) + v(2)*dx(3,:);...
-dv(1,:)*x(3) - v(1)*dx(3,:); dv(1,:)*x(2) + v(1)*dx(2,:)];
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions util/dcrmp.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
function dvcross = dcrmp( v ,x, dv, dx)
% @return d/dy crmp(v)*x
% @param v
% @param x
% @param dv = dv/dy
% @param dx = dx/dy
n = size(dv,2);
dvcross = [zeros(1,n); dv(3,:)*x(1) + v(3)*dx(1,:) - dv(1,:)*x(3) - v(1)*dx(3,:);...
-dv(2,:)*x(1) - v(2)*dx(1,:) + dv(1,:)*x(2) + v(1)*dx(2,:)];

16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions util/djcalcp.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
function dXj = djcalcp( code, q )

% jcalcp Calculate derivative of joint transform
% [dXj]=djcalcp(code,q) calculates the joint transform derivative
% matrix for revolute (code==1), x-axis prismatic (code==2) and y-axis
% prismatic (code==3) joints.

if code == 1 % revolute joint
dXj = dXpln( q, [0 0] ,1);
elseif code == 2 % x-axis prismatic joint
dXj = dXpln( 0, [q 0] ,2);
elseif code == 3 % y-axis prismatic joint
dXj = dXpln( 0, [0 q] ,3);
error( 'unrecognised joint code' );
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions util/geval.m
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% geval(p,fun,varargin)
% to tell geval that there are p different outputs.
% If the output is a matrix (or ND-array), then the gradients are reshaped
% so that size(df) = [prod(size(f)), prod(size(a))]
% Higher order gradients are output as a q x r^o sparse matrix , where
% q is the dimension of the output, r is the dimension of the input, and o is the order.
% e.g.
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40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions util/matGradMult.m
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@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
function [y] = matGradMult(A,b,transposeA)
% [y] = matGradMult(A,b)
% If A is the result of dB/dX for matrix B and vector X, as output by
% geval, then return A*b (a matrix).
% @param vector b
% @param gradient of A wrt. a vector, written as a matrix
% geval)
% @return A*b

if exist('transposeA','var')
if transposeA
n = length(b);
m = size(A,2);
k = size(A,1)/n;
y = zeros(m,n);
for i=1:m,
y(:,i) = reshape(A(:,i),n,k)'*b;
n = length(b);
m = size(A,2);
k = size(A,1)/n;

B = sparse(repmat((1:k)',n,1),1:k*n,reshape(repmat(b',k,1),k*n,1),k,k*n);
y = B*A;
% B_row=repmat(reshape(diag([b;zeros(k-n-1,1)]),1,(k-1)^2),1,k);
% B = reshape(B_row(1:k*k*n),k*n,k)';
% y = B*A;
% return

% tensor = reshape(A,k,n,m); tensor method was actually a little slower
% % (<10% difference)
% y = zeros(k,m); %was mxn-->changed to nxm then changed again
% for i=1:m, %was n
% y(:,i) = reshape(A(:,i),k,n)*b;
% % y(:,i) = tensor(:,:,i)*b;
% end

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