Automatic generation of Dll wrapper for both 32 bit and 64 bit Dll.
This code parses a windows DLL and generates a wrapper that exports the same symbol. By default, the wrapper function points to the original function by a jump instruction. You can modify and insert code for some of the function if you know its signature.
Forked from mavenlin/Dll_Wrapper_Gen
put your dll file into the same folder where exists.
open a console and run the following command and you'll get what you want.
python <yourdllname>.dll
for x64 dlls:
open the generated .asm assembly file, find the function you want to wrap:
<function name> proc jmp mProcs[INDEX*8] <function name> endp
select them and delete.
find the function declaration in the .cpp file, re-declare it and write you own logics. The original function can be obtained by the following method:
returnType (*functionPointerName)(param list) = (returnType (*)(param list))mProcs[INDEX]
and been called by:
returnType res = (*functionPointerName)(params);
for x86 dlls:
just delect __declipec(naked) and do your tricks.