This is a Final Project assigned by Dphi as the final submission for 5 Weeks of Deep Learning Bootcamp. with the task of classifying eye pictures with the results of the name gender.
The objective of the final Project is to build a model to scan the image of an eye of a patient and find if the gender of the patient is male or female.
The dataset contains eye pictures of males and females. Link
From the link above, which contains the zip file, The extracted file will get five files:
- train : contains all the images that are to be used for training.
- Training_set.csv : this csv file has contains the labels for the training images.
- test : contains 9000+ images. For these images, there are required to make predictions.
- Testing_set.csv : this is the order of the predictions for each image that is to be submitted on the platform.
- sample_submission.csv : this is the sample submission file for the data sprint.