Project: Patient Tracker
Description: Patient Tracker is a system for hospitals to manage records of all their patients in one centralised database.
git clone the repo
A postgres database is required for development Install pipenv using Homebrew, Linuxbrew or pip
brew install pipenv
Setting up the database with a user who has all privileges
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create database your_database;
postgres=# create user your_username with encrypted password 'your_password';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database your_database to your_username;
cd into the patienttracker folder
cd patienttracker/
Run the command to install all requirements from Pipfile.lock
pipenv install
To activate the virtual environment run the command below
pipenv shell
Run the application by starting the server
python runserver
cd patienttracker/
python test
In case you do not have permission to create a database run the following command on psql
sudo -u postgres psql
ALTER ROLE your_username CREATEDB;
Running tests with coverage
cd patienttracker/
coverage run --source="." test
coverage report
- Django Rest Framework - Django
API Documentation - Swagger UI
- Ryan Simiyu
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details