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Wagmi Leverage is a leverage product, built on concentrated liquidity without a price-based liquidation or price oracles. This system caters to liquidity providers and traders(borrowers). The trader pays for the time to hold the position as long as he wants as long as interest is paid.

Liquidity Providers (LPs):

Wagmi enhances yields for V3 liquidity providers by offsetting impermanent loss. LPs can earn yield even when their liquidity position is out of range. When not utilized for trading, their liquidity position is lent to traders/borrowers, earning them higher yields through premiums and trading fees​​.


Traders on Wagmi can margin long or short any pair without the risk of forced price-based liquidations. Even if their position is underwater, they are only required to pay premiums to LPs to maintain their position. This model gives traders access to high leverage on every asset and eliminates the concern of forced liquidations​​.

Dev docs

LiquidityBorrowingManager LiquidityBorrowingManager



Network ChainId Contract Address
METIS 1088 LightQuoterV3 0x5A9fd95e3f865d416bb77b49d1Cca8109FcAbfE5

V3 Network ChainId Contract Address
Wagmi METIS 1088 LiquidityBorrowingManager 0x20fa274D00fF4917A13cD464FDbB200475B6EaBd
Wagmi METIS 1088 Vault 0x5e0e38F49c89D2535D12459a3Cab40dB6D2f7fC9
Wagmi METIS 1088 PositionEffectivityChart 0xbbF979671b95fB27Ab19d817Fc41E6F51D4a9Bf9


1 uniswap
2 aave

Network V3 dexIndex
KAVA wagmi 0
KAVA kinetix 1
METIS wagmi 0
METIS hercules 1
BASE uniswap 0
BASE sushi 1
BASE pancake 2
BASE wagmi 3
IOTA wagmi 0
SONIC wagmi 0

Network ChainId Contract Address
KAVA 2222 LightQuoterV3 0x1C9B724cBd7683c80226cE35a39F9127950ABb95
KAVA 2222 FlashLoanAggregator 0x923e559a12d856f3217b715fE98a7a07CabD6Ed7
METIS 1088 LightQuoterV3 0x3963793a9FB287Ac83aE3eAe849Ef35c98E4CE98
METIS 1088 FlashLoanAggregator 0x056df39aCe357C1ABf67fb090e36C9ec126c8828
BASE 8453 LightQuoterV3 0x2A3EFD7c2B88dd02b150F7A81825414Db82a7832
BASE 8453 FlashLoanAggregator 0x1bbcE9Fc68E47Cd3E4B6bC3BE64E271bcDb3edf1
IOTA 8822 LightQuoterV3 0xC49c177736107fD8351ed6564136B9ADbE5B1eC3
IOTA 8822 FlashLoanAggregator 0x259308E7d8557e4Ba192De1aB8Cf7e0E21896442
SONIC 146 LightQuoterV3 0xC49c177736107fD8351ed6564136B9ADbE5B1eC3
SONIC 146 FlashLoanAggregator 0x259308E7d8557e4Ba192De1aB8Cf7e0E21896442

V3 Network ChainId Contract Address
wagmi KAVA 2222 LiquidityBorrowingManager 0x496775412549d27A1eC4dDAde02c5c50C50dd8eE
wagmi KAVA 2222 Vault 0xcdef84CB4d361f4B4914D4751FcDca2CE11Ee55B
wagmi KAVA 2222 PositionEffectivityChart 0x755C71DEF546e541fffA7B78f6888D7a41d6d18F
wagmi METIS 1088 LiquidityBorrowingManager 0x25a31a36Ff56Bc5570fd09Ac2da062115DAeb54e
wagmi METIS 1088 Vault 0x9cB36c835f189c40bD9cd1cf298717B7bb9e3630
wagmi METIS 1088 PositionEffectivityChart 0x2c80042504A5C0710e38B0dBD85ee5eB6f1A11CD
wagmi IOTA 8822 LiquidityBorrowingManager 0x78B7964A499B6aee02A4a3d628F3e47F7605d5d9
wagmi IOTA 8822 Vault 0x6E4F7843D0233422238f65B6765eB5676bfb6Dc3
wagmi IOTA 8822 PositionEffectivityChart 0x7228b8110d9A85BD6740bE03677Eb6deDe0546a8
kinetix KAVA 2222 LiquidityBorrowingManager 0xf58a7048b36b2A67dDda4f0E32E76B1081F3AaF0
kinetix KAVA 2222 Vault 0x5A3F804c853b388f0619Ebf085F94927E7f03470
kinetix KAVA 2222 PositionEffectivityChart 0xc01328369EBfE292991bbbAeD986D9Db2B4AEA91
uniswap BASE 8453 LiquidityBorrowingManager 0xAb205ca2FB07aE77B5056309021aE582D3246434
uniswap BASE 8453 Vault 0x5077AF698Bae841544F9216cf12AF6EF699c2618
uniswap BASE 8453 PositionEffectivityChart 0x2d149685F167b313AcD806AB2E503DC9636c61B5
sushi BASE 8453 LiquidityBorrowingManager 0x696D71422ea6636e4C7c0af41bDA751D693E6f53
sushi BASE 8453 Vault 0xe6ADff9B55b6BBacE1eB39909255A071683CAeDc
sushi BASE 8453 PositionEffectivityChart 0x16CAd8fbD9878D1fF86A12Eb4A275c7F53B5788e
wagmi BASE 8453 LiquidityBorrowingManager 0x3De5E32e21a1656d04F3145552735DdB4F4a4A2C
wagmi BASE 8453 Vault 0xb75c170eCa8614CF70A14Ba8E2Cb602e0E0C003F
wagmi BASE 8453 PositionEffectivityChart 0x3a080a2d6ad7FCa3f3C8f2798fa7f6712C1E6B07
wagmi SONIC 146 LiquidityBorrowingManager 0x78B7964A499B6aee02A4a3d628F3e47F7605d5d9
wagmi SONIC 146 Vault 0xFb3efa944e81260D316bCb2f589F12f272764132


The primary license for Wagmi Concentrator(Multipool) is the [WAGMI] Source Available License 1.0 (SAL-1.0), see LICENSE. However, some files are licensed under GPL-2.0-or-later or MIT.