A Python script to batch colourise photos and transfer colour to the high res original. colourising is currently done with the deepAI API, which uses Jason Antic's model. https://deepai.org/machine-learning-model/colorizer
This could also be applicable for downsizing videos and overlaying colour to the highres original, drastically reducing the time needed to colourise a video.
Place your images into the
folder -
Open a terminal/cmd and
into the folder -
python3 batch_colourise_with_deepai.py
batch process a folder of images with the DeepAI API
Overlay colour from the low res colourised image onto the original full res image automatically. (similar to PS Color blendmode)
Overlay can be used for individual image sets.
scale image to upload locally
proper GUI
select folder instead of putting script in it
select only individual files mode (done for blend but not batch, just run blend on it's own)
local file input sanitization when selecting files