example_repo Public
Forked from klgrady/example_repoAn example repo for learning purposes
PHP UpdatedFeb 21, 2022 -
faq Public
Forked from tuskyapp/faqFrequently asked questions about the Tusky Mastodon client
UpdatedAug 13, 2020 -
The project aimed to analyze customer feedback and apply findings to develop strategic plan for content improvement
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 17, 2019 -
NYC-Taxi-Analysis Public
The project is using Python to analyze status of operation for Taxi in New York City from different aspects of inspection.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJul 2, 2019 -
This project focus on analyzing and predicting the dynamic demand for Capital Bikeshare Inc, and proposing recommends about how to maximize profits based on the demand analysis and predicted result.
R UpdatedJul 2, 2019 -
This database system will maintain records of all internship and job posts submitted by the Smith school to students; the recorded data will also include job source data. The database will also mai…
DS-Take-Home Public
Forked from JifuZhao/DS-Take-HomeMy solution to the book A Collection of Data Science Take-Home Challenges
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedMar 9, 2019