A small script to dynamically update DNS records using the Hetzner DNS-API. Feel free to propose changes.
Hetzner DNS API Doc:
First, a new access token must be created in the DNS Console. This should be copied immediately, because for security reasons it will not be possible to display the token later.
Get all zones and copy the desired zone ID.
curl "https://dns.hetzner.com/api/v1/zones" -H \
'Auth-API-Token: ${apitoken}'
Use the previously obtained zone ID to create a dns record. In the output you get the record ID. This is needed for the script and should therefore be noted.
curl -X "POST" "https://dns.hetzner.com/api/v1/records" \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'Auth-API-Token: ${apitoken}' \
-d $'{
"value": "${yourpublicip}",
"ttl": 60,
"type": "A",
"name": "dyn",
"zone_id": "${zoneID}"
For security reasons, the access token is stored directly in the script. Enter your previously created token here.
As soon as the token is deposited, the script can be called with the appropriate parameters. This allows several DynDNS records to be created in different zones. Optionally, the TTL and the record type can be specified. It is advisable to keep the TTL as low as possible, so that changed records are used as soon as possible.
./dyndns.sh -z <Zone ID> -r <Record ID> -n <Record Name> [-t <TTL>] [-T <Record Type>]
To keep your DynDNS Records up to date, you have to create a cronjob that calls the script periodically.
Example: Check every 5 Minutes and update if necessary.
*/5 * * * * /usr/bin/dyndns.sh -z 98jFjsd8dh1GHasdf7a8hJG7 -r AHD82h347fGAF1 -n dyn
Type -h
to display help page.
./dyndns.sh -h
exec: ./dyndns.sh -z <Zone ID> -r <Record ID> -n <Record Name>
-z - Zone ID
-r - Record ID
-n - Record name
optional parameters:
-t - TTL (Default: 60)
-T - Record type (Default: A)
-h - Show Help
.exec: ./dyndns.sh -z 98jFjsd8dh1GHasdf7a8hJG7 -r AHD82h347fGAF1 -n dyn