The purpose of this test is to build a simple Ruby on Rails application that allows to search for available rooms in host families.
There are 3 files containing data that must be imported into the system:
List of host families defined by the following attributes: ref: Unique identifier for that host name: Name of the host address: Address of the host
List of rooms for each one of the hosts, defined by the following attributes: ref: Unique identifier for the room host_ref: Identifier of the host the room belongs to capacity: Number of people that can sleep in the room
List of bookings already made for the rooms, defined by: ref: Unique identifier for the booking room_ref: Identifier of the booked room start_date: Start date of the booking with format 'yyyy-mm-dd' end_date: End date of the booking with format 'yyyy-mm-dd' number_of_guests: Number of guests staying in the room for that booking
Deliver a Rails application including the following functionality:
* Rake task to import the files hosts-2000.csv, rooms-2000.csv and bookings-2000.csv * Search the availability of hosts/rooms for a period with input fields: - Start date: day, month and year - End date: day, month and year - Number of guests: integer It should return a list of hosts which have rooms available for that period and that number of guests (in the same room), showing which rooms are available for that host and period and if those rooms already have any guests in any days within that period.
For example, for the data provided in hosts-2000.csv, rooms-2000.csv and bookings-2000.csv:
Search between 2012-06-01 and 2012-06-07 for 1 guest
host#1: Mr Host 1 1 Camden Street room#1 is available (1 booked, 1 free out of 2 total) room#2 is available (0 booked, 2 free out of 2 total)
host#2: Mr Host 2 2 Camden Street room#4 is available (0 booked, 2 free out of 2 total)
host#3: Mr Host 3 3 Camden Street room#5 is available (1 booked, 1 free out of 2 total) room#6 is available (0 booked, 2 free out of 2 total)
host#4: Mr Host 4 4 Camden Street room#8 is available (0 booked, 2 free out of 2 total)
host#5: Mr Host 5 5 Camden Street room#9 is available (1 booked, 1 free out of 2 total) room#10 is available (0 booked, 2 free out of 2 total)
Paginate results, show 5 hosts per page.
A description of how the problem was solved will be included with any possible considerations and instructions to run the application and load the data.