This is a simple web application using Spring MVC, Hibernate, Shiro Security, Bootstrap and JQuery-validation.
Backend server is implemented like below:
- Foundation: Java, Spring and Spring MVC framework; The backend server is written in java, so the popular spring and spring mvc for web application frameworks are choosen to be the base framework which provides dependency injection, model-view-controller processing pattern, and framework integration abilities.
- Persistence: MySQL RDBMS, Hibernate, Hibernate-validator and Spring Data JPA framework Database server is the popular MySQL RDBMS, Hibernate is to provide ORM functionality, Hibernate-validator is used to provide parameter validation, and Spring Data JPA is used to simplify the writing of the DAO service.
- Logging: slf4j and logback.
- CSS styles: bootstrap css is applied
- Form validation: JQuery-validation is used to perform basic validations and some ajax actions
- Others: Sitemesh is used to generate consistent site headers and footers
git clone user-manage
The database used here is mysql, download it from mysql. In order to access the database using java, you need Connector J(mysql-connector-java-x.x.x-bin.jar file), you can find it in your mysql installation directory(if you're using windows), the jar file should both be contained in your project's classpath and WebContent/WEB-INF/lib, since the first one is used when your .java file is compiled into .class file, the second one is used when you actually running your application.
Warning: if you're going to execute resources/mysql_shema.sql, the sql is going to drop table mydb/users_table if it exists!
To run the web application, you'll need to setup Tomcat, DON'T use Tomcat8, since the current edition of eclipse doesn't support Tomcat8 yet.
To setup the project, you'll need eclipse. Java EE edition is recommended.
Simply import the project into the eclipse workspace will do.