CenQuest is a Python script that uses the Censys API to search for internet-facing hosts based on custom search queries. It retrieves the IP addresses and port numbers of all matching hosts and stores the results in a file called Hosts.txt
In addition,CenQuest includes a resume search feature that enables you to pick up where you left off without having to restart the search. This feature utilizes a CSV file called Info.csv, which keeps track of previously executed search queries and the number of pages retrieved for each query.
To run the script, you need to have the following:
- Python 3.x
- A Censys account with API credentials
Set up your Censys API credentials by creating a file named config.ini
in the same directory as the script, with the following format:
[Censys Api Config]
To use the script, you need to provide a search query and the number of pages you want to retrieve. Here's an example command:
git clone https://github.com/ReverseTEN/CenQuest.git
cd CenQuest
python cenquest.py [-h] -q QUERY -p PAGES
The following arguments are available:
- -h, --help: show the help message and exit.
- -q QUERY, --query QUERY: search query to be executed.
- -p PAGES, --pages PAGES: number of pages to retrieve.
python3 cenquest.py -q "apache" -p 5
This will search for hosts with the word "apache" in their banners and retrieve the first 5 pages of results. The results will be written to the Hosts.txt
file in the same directory as the script.
CenQuest uses a CSV file called Info.csv
to keep track of which search queries have already been executed and how many pages of results were obtained for each query. This allows the script to resume a search from where it left off, in case the script is interrupted or terminated prematurely.
This script is for educational purposes only. Use it at your own risk.