The Vue version of Viewer
used by json-diff-kit
. For more documents and usages, please refer to the json-diff-kit's main repository as well as the playground (React version).
# using npm
npm i @json-diff-kit/viewer-vue --save
# using yarn
yarn add @json-diff-kit/viewer-vue
# using pnpm
pnpm add @json-diff-kit/viewer-vue
<script setup lang="ts">
import { Differ, Viewer } from '@json-diff-kit/viewer-vue';
import type { DifferOptions, ViewerProps } from '@json-diff-kit/viewer-vue';
const differProps: DifferOptions = {
detectCircular: false,
maxDepth: Infinity,
showModifications: true,
arrayDiffMethod: 'lcs',
ignoreCase: false,
recursiveEqual: true,
preserveKeyOrder: true,
const differ = new Differ(differProps);
const before = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 };
const after = { a: 1, b: 3, d: 4 };
const diff = differ.diff(before, after);
const viewerProps: Partial<ViewerProps> = {
indent: 2,
lineNumbers: true,
highlightInlineDiff: true,
inlineDiffOptions: {
mode: 'word',
wordSeparator: ' ',
hideUnchangedLines: true,
syntaxHighlight: { theme: 'monokai' },
<Viewer v-bind="viewerProps" />
/* If syntax highlight is enabled, you should import a theme file, or write it by yourself. */
@import 'json-diff-kit/dist/viewer-monokai.css';