If you want to completely custom a config file, just copy the content of the config file and set it to a variable:
CONFIG : the content of the config file.
For example:
"inbounds": [{
"port": 443,
"protocol": "vless",
"settings": {
"clients": [{
"id": "d42e30bc-f02c-40c1-92b9-883739bf0dcf"
"streamSettings": {
"network": "quic",
"quicSettings": {}
"outbounds": [{
"protocol": "freedom"
If you want to use the vless+websocket solution, you can set 3 variables:
PORT : Listen port, default 443
ID : vless ID, default d42e30bc-f02c-40c1-92b9-883739bf0dcf
WSPATH: websocket path, default /index.html
The config.json template:
"inbounds": [{
"port": ${PORT},
"protocol": "vless",
"settings": {
"clients": [{
"id": "${ID}"
"streamSettings": {
"network": "ws",
"wsSettings": {
"path": "${WSPATH}"
"outbounds": [{
"protocol": "freedom"
Tested in Azure container.