[](https://travis-ci.org/Ricardo Koch/ShopSearch)
ShopSearch shared instance public methods
Search for any product containing the provided keywords
public func search(keywords words:String, completionBlock: @escaping ShopSearchCallback)
Fetch full product details with the provided product id
public func fetchProduct(_ productId:String, completionBlock: @escaping ShopProductCallback)
Fetch specifications for a product
public func fetchSpecs(_ productId:String, completionBlock: @escaping ShopSpecsCallback)
Get a sorted list of all product cagetories available
public func getSortedCategories() -> [GoogleCategory]?
Get a sorted list of all categories from a specific parent
public func getSortedCategories(_ parentId:String) -> [GoogleCategory]?
Get a category object with the provided category id
public func getCategoryById(categoryId: String) -> GoogleCategory?
Get the category's bread crumb navigation path from a category id
public func getCategoryPath(categoryId: String) -> String
ShopSearch is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "ShopSearch"
Ricardo Koch, [email protected]
ShopSearch is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.
Cocoapods component for searching and scraping all google shopping catalog. Easily integrate with any iOS app to get products information, compare prices and much more.