Companion repo to a course on
#run time
constant time: 1 -> no matter what input. will always take the same amount of time
logorythmic time: log(n) -> doubling inputs doesn't double time (sorts usually log(n))
Linear time: n -> iterate through k amount of inputs
Quasilinear time: n * log(n) -> increases time by doubling the amount of inputs you are iterating over doesn't double time. e.g. iterating over a sort
Quadratic time: n^2 -> Every time you ad an element the amount of work increases a lot. e.g. handshake problem people in room. introduce a person has to shake every other person in the room. interact with every element
Exponential time: 2^n -> adding a single element doubles the amount of processing power
#Big O
O(n) -> linear O(1) -> Constant O(n^2) -> Quadratic
#Identifying Complexity
iterating a simle for loop through a single collection -> Probably O(n) iterating through half a collection -> Still O(n) iterating through two different collections -> O(n + m) Two nested for loops iterating over the same ollection -> O(n^2) Two nested for loogs iterating over different collections -> O(nm) Sorting? -> O(nlog(n)) Searching a sorted array? -> O(log(n))
#Space Complexity How much memory is required O(n) -> revesed string
#memoization record the arguments of each function along with the result