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基于深度学习的肿瘤辅助诊断系统,以图像分割为核心,利用人工智能完成肿瘤区域的识别勾画并提供肿瘤区域的特征来辅助医生进行诊断。有完整的模型构建、后端架设、工业级部署和前端访问功能。TensorRT、PyTorch 、OpenCV 、Flask、Vue
MedSeg: Medical Image Segmentation GUI Toolbox 可视化医学图像分割工具箱
Everything you need about Active Learning (AL).
PyTorch implementations of Generative Adversarial Networks.
State-of-the-Art Deep Learning scripts organized by models - easy to train and deploy with reproducible accuracy and performance on enterprise-grade infrastructure.
📄 Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Cross-Consistency Training (CVPR 2020).
Pytorch implementation of our paper accepted by NCA2021 -- Hierarchical Deep Network with Uncertainty aware Semi-supervised Learning for Vesse Segmentation
An implementation of the research paper "Retina Blood Vessel Segmentation Using A U-Net Based Convolutional Neural Network"
Applying Octave UNet for Retinal Vessel Segmentation.
Retina blood vessel segmentation with a convolutional neural network
PyTorch implementation of the U-Net for image semantic segmentation with high quality images
This is an pytorch implementation of "IPN-V2 and OCTA-500: Methodology and Database for Retinal Image Segmentation".
A Unified Semi-Supervised Learning Codebase (NeurIPS'22)
OpenMMLab Semantic Segmentation Toolbox and Benchmark.
Semi Supervised Learning for Medical Image Segmentation, a collection of literature reviews and code implementations.
A PyTorch-based library for semi-supervised learning (NeurIPS'21)
ImageNet pre-trained models with batch normalization for the Caffe framework
A curated list of papers, code and resources pertaining to zero shot learning
Extremely simple one-shot learning in Python
🔥 🎉newbee-mall是一套电商系统,包括基础版本(Spring Boot+Thymeleaf)、前后端分离版本(Spring Boot+Vue 3+Element-Plus+Vue-Router 4+Pinia+Vant 4) 、秒杀版本、Go语言版本、微服务版本(Spring Cloud Alibaba+Nacos+Sentinel+Seata+Spring Cloud Gatew…
HIS英文全称 hospital information system(医疗信息就诊系统),系统主要功能按照数据流量、流向及处理过程分为临床诊疗、药品管理、财务管理、患者管理。诊疗活动由各工作站配合完成,并将临床信息进行整理、处理、汇总、统计、分析等。本系统包括以下工作站:门诊医生工作站、药房医生工作站、医技医生工作站、收费员工作站、对帐员工作站、管理员工作站。需求为东软提供的云医院。
🛠 A lite C++ toolkit of 100+ Awesome AI models, support ORT, MNN, NCNN, TNN and TensorRT. 🎉🎉
🔥Robust Video Matting C++ inference toolkit with ONNXRuntime、MNN、NCNN and TNN, via lite.ai.toolkit.