Generates formal proofs for principal type deductions of terms in the simply typed lambda calculus.
The study of the λ-calculus is of the set of terms and equations between the terms.
... a set of abstract types and a system for showing that terms of the λ-calculus have a certain type. A term s of type A ⇒ B works like a function from terms of type A to terms of type B, and we will only allow an application st if t is a term of the correct “input” type A.
... an algorithm which decides whether a term is typable, and finding a “most general” type if it is. The most general types are called principal types and all the types of a particular term will be instances of the principal type.
Clone the repo and cd into it
Build into a sandbox
$ cabal sandbox init # Initialise the sandbox $ cabal install --only-dependencies # Install dependencies into the sandbox $ cabal build
Clone the repo and cd into it
Install the dependencies into a sandbox with documentation and run haddock
$ cabal sandbox init # Initialise the sandbox $ cabal install -j --only-dep --enable-documentation $ cabal haddock