Simple project manager and explorer for neovim
- List Projects based of pattern
- Create new projects directory
- Add projects to favorites
- List favorites projects only
- Lazy.nvim
return {
dependencies = {
opts = {
paths = { "~/dev/*" }, --custom path set by user
-- custom find command set by the user. Default should always work on unix unless user has heavily modified tools and/or PATH
-- for Windows Users: installing `fd` is recommended with the equivalent `fd` command
-- "fd . %s -td --min-depth %d --max-depth %d"
command_pattern = "find %s -mindepth %d -maxdepth %d -type d -not -name '.git'",
newProjectPath = "~/dev/", --custom path for new projects
file_explorer = function(dir) --custom file explorer set by user
vim.cmd("Neotree close")
vim.cmd("Neotree " .. dir)
-- Or for oil.nvim:
-- file_explorer = function(dir)
-- require("oil").open(dir)
-- end,
config = function(_, opts)
keys = {
{ "<leader>fp", "<cmd>ProjectExplorer<cr>", desc = "Project Explorer" },
lazy = false,
- Install fd
from sharkdp
Default keybinding is <leader>fp
to open the project explorer
you can also open it by executing :ProjectExplorer
- To cd into a project just press
on the selected project. - To Add a project use
. - To add a project to favorite projects use
- To display favorite projects only use