(install cuda if not installed)
Create a ROS Catkin workspace to contain our ROS packages:
# create the catkin workspace
$ mkdir -p ~/workspace/jetbot_ws/src
Clone packages
$ git clone
# paste both the folders in ~/workspace/jetbot_ws/src
$ cd ~/workspace/jetbot_ws
$ catkin_make
# add jetbot_ws path to bashrc
$ sudo sh -c 'echo "source ~/workspace/jetbot_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc'
Note: out of personal preference, my jetbot_ws is created as a subdirectory under ~/workspace
Close and open a new terminal window. Verify that your jetbot_ws is visible to ROS:
Testing environments
# For obstacle environment
$ roslaunch jetbot_gazebo obstacle_land.launch
# For lane environment
$ roslaunch jetbot_gazebo lane.launch
this will load the environment and let you test both lane and obstacle environment
After you load the environment open a new terminal
# install teleop_twist_keyboard
$ sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-teleop-twist-keyboard
# run teleop_twist_keyboard
$ rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard
# After installing and running the teleop_twist_keyboard open a new terminal and run a python teleoperation file
$ chmod +x ~/workspace/jetbot_ws/src/jetbot_gazebo/launch/
$ roslaunch jetbot_gazebo
Now to control the jetbot with keyboard click on the terminal where you executed teleop-twist-keyboard and use the following keys to control the bot
i : forward
j : left
l : right
, : reverse
k/(anykey) : stop