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IMDB-Trakt-Syncer Public
A python script that syncs user watchlist, ratings, reviews and watch history for Movies, TV Shows and Episodes both ways between Trakt and IMDB.
TMDB-Trakt-Syncer Public
A python script that syncs user watchlist and ratings for Movies, TV Shows and Episodes both ways between Trakt and TMDB.
PlexPreferNonForcedSubs Public
A python script that sets all movies and shows in your local Plex library to English non-forced subtitles by default.
MeijerAutoCouponClipper Public
This script will auto clip coupons on for user desired categories.
WalgreensAutoCouponClipper Public
This script will auto clip coupons on
Plex-scripts Public
Forked from Casvt/Plex-scriptsPlex, the arr's and tautulli scripts coming from user requests