Copy This and open the webpage and the paste it there and add your vars, create a new secret gist. Rename the file to now click on the raw button and copy the url then remove the commit id from the gist link found after /raw/ Eg - your gist link
before --
after --
Now this link is your CONFIG_FILE_URL.
Open make a new account there then click create new instance and type in a name select tiny turtle plan and in region chosse any from the us and click review then create instance now open the instance u made and click the copy button on the link section this will be your DB_URL in your / your gist
Fork this repo and open repository settings then select secrets under secrets click actions in the left menu and click new repository secret: Add the below Required Variables one by one by clicking New Repository Secret every time.
- HEROKU_EMAIL: Heroku Account Email Id in which the above app will be deployed
- HEROKU_API_KEY: Your Heroku API key, get it from
- HEROKU_APP_NAME: Your Heroku app name, Name Must be unique
- CONFIG_FILE_URL: Made above in step 1
Click on Actions click manually deploy to heroku and click run workflow select main branch and hit run now let the process complete and then move to select the app you made and then go to resources and turn on the worker
To change to badcat change the UPSTREAM_URL in heroku vars to
Thanks to TgCatUB for catuserbot Thanks to AkhileshNS for the github workflow