Public interface definitions of Google APIs.
Roadmap for Back-End Development using Node.JS
u0705666 / CS186-berkeley-database
Forked from PKUFlyingPig/CS186Learning materials for UCB CS186: Introduction to Database System
👨💻 🏥 MEAN stack Pharmacy Management system.
Roadmap to becoming an ASP.NET Core developer in 2025
Through this project we will try to understand CutMix by implementing it on a simple problem of cat-vs-dog classification.
Raspberry Pi controlling DC Motors Using Python With a L298N Driver
desaichirayu / Vehicle-Routing-Optimization-Using-Artificial-Intelligence
Forked from shlok57/VehicleRoutingProblemRepository for various solutions to the vehicular routing problem using AI
[IJCAI'18] Spatio-Temporal Graph Convolutional Networks
Reinforcement Learning codebase for self-driving car in Carla
Reinforcement learning using CARLA simulator
Lane Detection with Deep Learning - My Capstone project for Udacity's ML Nanodegree
We create an object detection program that detect custom objects of multiple classes.
YOLOv7 Object Tracking Using PyTorch, OpenCV and Sort Tracking
Project Repo for Deep Learning (CS230) course at Stanford University
OCR system for Arabic language that converts images of typed text to machine-encoded text.
this project for Machathon 3.0; this year we have a very exciting real-world problem. Car plate recognition.
A New Benchmark Dataset for Egyptian License Plate Detection and Recognition
Python implementation of an automatic parallel parking system in a virtual environment, including path planning, path tracking, and parallel parking
A minimalist environment for decision-making in autonomous driving
Deepdrive is a simulator that allows anyone with a PC to push the state-of-the-art in self-driving
This will help us to measure the distance of object detected using Haar Features. The tutorial is an actual implementation of combination of object detection classifier and some mathematical techni…
The Graduation project was about ADAS which include Lane detection,Object detection,Depth estimation,Integration between those modules with embedded system
Estimating distance to the nearest vehicle from the car dashboard camera
This repository provides an open source implementation of the Spatio-Temporal GAT introduced by Zhang et al in "Spatial-Temporal Graph Attention Networks:A Deep Learning Approach for Traffic Foreca…