** AMS ** uses face recognition technique .So,project is mainly for students attendances.
AMS has three user groups admin,teacher and student, and it works on collective operation
of two platforms Web and Android.Web platform is for Administration purpose for Admin and
android platform is for teacher and student.
> For Web platform design->HTML,CSS,JavaScript,BootStrap
> For android design->XML,Java
> For backend->PHP
> For DB->MySQL
> Python ->for creating recognizer and dataset collector
For installing the project in you local Machine you need java and python installed in your machine.
in python add Libraries numpy,pandas,openCV.
for android install AndroidStudio.
and import the db in MySQL named it * `ams_db` *
place AMS into your local server folder and start the server.
open browser open the url like-localhost/AMS/pages
login through username ritik and password -1234.
now you can check different tabs for adding,updating,deleting,viewing students and teacher
and other informations.
for train the classifier you should take the pictures of every student that you added .
#### For submitting attendance you have to use android app.
SO, open the android studio with the app folder .
change localhost urls in Doinbackground,selectPicin background to your machine ip address.
now run or build apk.
check login detailes in faculy table for android login.
login and select paper than select picture than submit.
That's it