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PositionedComment and ParseNote contains end cols.
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This change makes PositionedComment and ParseNote contain end columns.
It additionally modifies the JSON formatter to show the end column in an
"endColumn" property. No modifications to the messages shown by any
other formatter have been made.

Currently, all checks set the end column to the start column. It should
now be possible however to start setting the end column in the parser.
Additional work is needed to set the end column during AST analysis.
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eatnumber1 committed Jun 18, 2016
1 parent c45e9d4 commit 856d57f
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Showing 5 changed files with 44 additions and 32 deletions.
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions ShellCheck/Checker.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ import Test.QuickCheck.All

tokenToPosition map (TokenComment id c) = fromMaybe fail $ do
position <- Map.lookup id map
return $ PositionedComment position c
return $ PositionedComment position position c
fail = error "Internal shellcheck error: id doesn't exist. Please report!"

Expand All @@ -65,13 +65,13 @@ checkScript sys spec = do
return . nub . sortMessages . filter shouldInclude $
(parseMessages ++ map translator analysisMessages)

shouldInclude (PositionedComment _ (Comment _ code _)) =
shouldInclude (PositionedComment _ _ (Comment _ code _)) =
code `notElem` csExcludedWarnings spec

sortMessages = sortBy (comparing order)
order (PositionedComment pos (Comment severity code message)) =
order (PositionedComment pos _ (Comment severity code message)) =
(posFile pos, posLine pos, posColumn pos, severity, code, message)
getPosition (PositionedComment pos _) = pos
getPosition (PositionedComment pos _ _) = pos

analysisSpec root =
AnalysisSpec {
Expand All @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ getErrors sys spec =
sort . map getCode . crComments $
runIdentity (checkScript sys spec)
getCode (PositionedComment _ (Comment _ code _)) = code
getCode (PositionedComment _ _ (Comment _ code _)) = code

check = checkWithIncludes []

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25 changes: 15 additions & 10 deletions ShellCheck/Formatter/Format.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,13 +30,15 @@ data Formatter = Formatter {
footer :: IO ()

lineNo (PositionedComment pos _) = posLine pos
colNo (PositionedComment pos _) = posColumn pos
codeNo (PositionedComment _ (Comment _ code _)) = code
messageText (PositionedComment _ (Comment _ _ t)) = t
lineNo (PositionedComment pos _ _) = posLine pos
endLineNo (PositionedComment _ end _) = posLine end
colNo (PositionedComment pos _ _) = posColumn pos
endColNo (PositionedComment _ end _) = posColumn end
codeNo (PositionedComment _ _ (Comment _ code _)) = code
messageText (PositionedComment _ _ (Comment _ _ t)) = t

severityText :: PositionedComment -> String
severityText (PositionedComment _ (Comment c _ _)) =
severityText (PositionedComment _ _ (Comment c _ _)) =
case c of
ErrorC -> "error"
WarningC -> "warning"
Expand All @@ -48,12 +50,15 @@ makeNonVirtual comments contents =
map fix comments
ls = lines contents
fix c@(PositionedComment pos comment) = PositionedComment pos {
posColumn =
if lineNo c > 0 && lineNo c <= fromIntegral (length ls)
then real (ls !! fromIntegral (lineNo c - 1)) 0 0 (colNo c)
else colNo c
fix c@(PositionedComment start end comment) = PositionedComment start {
posColumn = realignColumn lineNo colNo c
} end {
posColumn = realignColumn endLineNo endColNo c
} comment
realignColumn lineNo colNo c =
if lineNo c > 0 && lineNo c <= fromIntegral (length ls)
then real (ls !! fromIntegral (lineNo c - 1)) 0 0 (colNo c)
else colNo c
real _ r v target | target <= v = r
real [] r v _ = r -- should never happen
real ('\t':rest) r v target =
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9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions ShellCheck/Formatter/JSON.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,10 +37,11 @@ format = do

instance JSON (PositionedComment) where
showJSON comment@(PositionedComment pos (Comment level code string)) = makeObj [
("file", showJSON $ posFile pos),
("line", showJSON $ posLine pos),
("column", showJSON $ posColumn pos),
showJSON comment@(PositionedComment start end (Comment level code string)) = makeObj [
("file", showJSON $ posFile start),
("line", showJSON $ posLine start),
("column", showJSON $ posColumn start),
("endColumn", showJSON $ posColumn end),
("level", showJSON $ severityText comment),
("code", showJSON code),
("message", showJSON string)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ShellCheck/Interface.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ data Position = Position {
} deriving (Show, Eq)

data Comment = Comment Severity Code String deriving (Show, Eq)
data PositionedComment = PositionedComment Position Comment deriving (Show, Eq)
data PositionedComment = PositionedComment Position Position Comment deriving (Show, Eq)
data TokenComment = TokenComment Id Comment deriving (Show, Eq)

data ColorOption =
Expand Down
30 changes: 18 additions & 12 deletions ShellCheck/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ almostSpace =

--------- Message/position annotation on top of user state
data Note = Note Id Severity Code String deriving (Show, Eq)
data ParseNote = ParseNote SourcePos Severity Code String deriving (Show, Eq)
data ParseNote = ParseNote SourcePos SourcePos Severity Code String deriving (Show, Eq)
data Context =
ContextName SourcePos String
| ContextAnnotation [Annotation]
Expand All @@ -162,9 +162,9 @@ initialUserState = UserState {
pendingHereDocs = []

codeForParseNote (ParseNote _ _ code _) = code
codeForParseNote (ParseNote _ _ _ code _) = code
noteToParseNote map (Note id severity code message) =
ParseNote pos severity code message
ParseNote pos pos severity code message
pos = fromJust $ Map.lookup id map

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -320,22 +320,26 @@ pushContext c = do
v <- getCurrentContexts
setCurrentContexts (c:v)

parseProblemAt pos level code msg = do
parseProblemAtWithEnd start end level code msg = do
irrelevant <- shouldIgnoreCode code
unless irrelevant $
Ms.modify (\state -> state {
parseProblems = note:parseProblems state
note = ParseNote pos level code msg
note = ParseNote start end level code msg

parseProblemAt pos = parseProblemAtWithEnd pos pos

-- Store non-parse problems inside

parseNote c l a = do
pos <- getPosition
parseNoteAt pos c l a

parseNoteAt pos c l a = addParseNote $ ParseNote pos c l a
parseNoteAt pos c l a = addParseNote $ ParseNote pos pos c l a

parseNoteAtWithEnd start end c l a = addParseNote $ ParseNote start end c l a

--------- Convenient combinators
thenSkip main follow = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2571,13 +2575,15 @@ parseWithNotes parser = do
state <- getState
return (item, state)

compareNotes (ParseNote pos1 level1 _ s1) (ParseNote pos2 level2 _ s2) = compare (pos1, level1) (pos2, level2)
compareNotes (ParseNote pos1 pos1' level1 _ s1) (ParseNote pos2 pos2' level2 _ s2) = compare (pos1, pos1', level1) (pos2, pos2', level2)
sortNotes = sortBy compareNotes

makeErrorFor parsecError =
ParseNote (errorPos parsecError) ErrorC 1072 $
ParseNote pos pos ErrorC 1072 $
getStringFromParsec $ errorMessages parsecError
pos = errorPos parsecError

getStringFromParsec errors =
case map f errors of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2630,9 +2636,9 @@ parseShell sys name contents = do
isName (ContextName _ _) = True
isName _ = False
notesForContext list = zipWith ($) [first, second] $ filter isName list
first (ContextName pos str) = ParseNote pos ErrorC 1073 $
first (ContextName pos str) = ParseNote pos pos ErrorC 1073 $
"Couldn't parse this " ++ str ++ "."
second (ContextName pos str) = ParseNote pos InfoC 1009 $
second (ContextName pos str) = ParseNote pos pos InfoC 1009 $
"The mentioned parser error was in this " ++ str ++ "."

reattachHereDocs root map =
Expand All @@ -2644,8 +2650,8 @@ reattachHereDocs root map =
f t = t

toPositionedComment :: ParseNote -> PositionedComment
toPositionedComment (ParseNote pos severity code message) =
PositionedComment (posToPos pos) $ Comment severity code message
toPositionedComment (ParseNote start end severity code message) =
PositionedComment (posToPos start) (posToPos end) $ Comment severity code message

posToPos :: SourcePos -> Position
posToPos sp = Position {
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