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Tags: RobinZuid/zf2



Toggle release-2.3.1's commit message
Zend Framework 2.3.1


- [5392: Zend Db: Multiple nested selects - Zend Paginator with nested select bind parameters error](zendframework#5392)
- [5857: Fixes zendframework#4521](zendframework#5857)
- [5863: patch zendframework#5860 ](zendframework#5863)
- [5948: Circular dependency test for zendframework#5651](zendframework#5948)
- [5956: Prevent fatal error in JsonRpc-Client](zendframework#5956)
- [5957: php 5.6 compatibility](zendframework#5957)
- [5958: fix typo](zendframework#5958)
- [5959: Issue - AbstractDiServiceFactory ,MvcTranslatorFactory throws Exception](zendframework#5959)
- [5964: Upgrading branch aliases for components: 2.2-dev -> 2.3-dev, 2.3-dev -> 2.4-dev](zendframework#5964)
- [5968: Collection Input Filter fix messages](zendframework#5968)
- [5970: Adds disableInArrayValidator check to Radio](zendframework#5970)
- [5972: permissions : docBlock](zendframework#5972)
- [5973: Rbac::getRole() : check object->getName()](zendframework#5973)
- [5975: Update wrong DocBlock comment](zendframework#5975)
- [5978: ZF 2.3.0 BC break in MvcTranslator](zendframework#5978)
- [5979: Fix BC break in TranslatorServiceFactory](zendframework#5979)
- [5983: &zendframework#91;cs-fixer&zendframework#92; Centralize configuration in a single file](zendframework#5983)
- [5985: Corrected placeholder token '%' for some translations](zendframework#5985)
- [5986: InputFilter\Factory can't handle config with null input](zendframework#5986)
- [5988: Fix patterns for mobile (allows 7 as fisrt number)](zendframework#5988)
- [5989: Allow aria-labelledby and aria-describedby attributes in form elements](zendframework#5989)
- [5991: ---removed---](zendframework#5991)
- [5997: Update segment route to TranslatorInterface](zendframework#5997)
- [5998: Add missing bitwise validator in pluginmanager](zendframework#5998)
- [6000: Blackhole cache adapter : docblock corrections](zendframework#6000)
- [6003: typo on comment fixed](zendframework#6003)
- [6004: InputFilterPluginManager needs to allow InputInterface retrieval](zendframework#6004)
- [6007: ZendMvc depends on ZendLog by default in 2.3.0, add it to composer](zendframework#6007)
- [6009: Form\Element\Select multiple is always required](zendframework#6009)
- [6012: Zend\ProgressBar\Adapter\Console::notify should use mb&zendframework#95;substr](zendframework#6012)
- [6019: Fix for zendframework#6012 - Use wrapper for substr() in ProgressBar](zendframework#6019)
- [6021: Missed variable, renamed to one which exists.](zendframework#6021)
- [6022: Invalid instantiator of type "NULL" for "Zend\I18n\Translator\TranslatorInterface"](zendframework#6022)
- [6023: Parameter generator backslash escaping](zendframework#6023)
- [6024: Dispatch error should be preventable](zendframework#6024)
- [6026: decompress() Zend/Filter/Compress/Zip fix](zendframework#6026)
- [6027: Allow empty response strings in \Zend\Http\Response::fromStream](zendframework#6027)
- [6028: Method getValue should check the type of input inside InputFilter](zendframework#6028)
- [6030: Remove duplicate comment](zendframework#6030)
- [6031: remove double semicolon](zendframework#6031)
- [6032: fix comment on PhpMemoryArray loader](zendframework#6032)
- [6035: fix exception message. Must be Stdlib\Hydrator](zendframework#6035)
- [6037: Require PHP extension mcrypt in composer.json](zendframework#6037)
- [6041: Hotfix : Zend\Test trace error flag](zendframework#6041)
- [6042: Fix documentation](zendframework#6042)
- [6045: File Form Element don't works](zendframework#6045)
- [6046: Allow InputInterface retrieval from InputFilterPluginManager](zendframework#6046)
- [6047: Fix Zend\Test test](zendframework#6047)
- [6049: Fix for issue 6048](zendframework#6049)
- [6050: update copyright year that still using 2013 to 2014](zendframework#6050)
- [6051: 2.2.6 -> 2.3.0 causes DI to try to instantiate `Zend\I18n\Translator\TranslatorInterface` instead of `Zend\I18n\Translator\Translator`](zendframework#6051)
- [6056: Fixes a typo](zendframework#6056)
- [6061: added missing License header](zendframework#6061)
- [6062: fixed typo](zendframework#6062)
- [6070: code-to-explain-code test in MultiCheckboxTest to check multi selected ](zendframework#6070)
- [6071: Re enable zip compression tests on Travis](zendframework#6071)
- [6077: fix for issue 6076. avoid GlobIterator globbing to directories which it ...](zendframework#6077)
- [6082: Using \Zend\Db\Sql\Expression as part of join name.  Object of class Zend\Db\Sql\Expression could not be converted to string](zendframework#6082)
- [6083: NumberOfParameterFilter correctly handles argument count greater than 0.](zendframework#6083)
- [6085: Fixes zendframework#5929 - Remove a page recursively](zendframework#6085)
- [6089: Problems with serializing Zend\Stdlib\ArrayObject](zendframework#6089)
- [6092: Hotfix for zendframework#6089 - ArrayObject serialization doesn't restore `protectedProperties`](zendframework#6092)
- [6093: Fix unused imports and local variables](zendframework#6093)
- [6094: Fix undefined classes, constants and methods](zendframework#6094)
- [6096: Prevent ArrayObject recursion in 5.6](zendframework#6096)
- [6100: More tests for nested form fieldsets](zendframework#6100)
- [6102: Zend\Filter\Compress\Tar::setMode() would not work](zendframework#6102)
- [6103: Zend\Filter\Compress\Tar::setMode() should work with case-insensitive](zendframework#6103)
- [6104: Validator\Ip should not allow newlines in any case.](zendframework#6104)
- [6105: add missing resource messages at en - Bitwize & Datestep](zendframework#6105)
- [6106: suggest ext-mcrypt](zendframework#6106)
- [6110: Allow session garbage collection to use an index](zendframework#6110)
- [6116: fixed typos](zendframework#6116)
- [6118: Extra fieldsets are created when calling form bind multiple times](zendframework#6118)
- [6123: Mail: Require Zend\Validator](zendframework#6123)
- [6125: added missing { and } after if](zendframework#6125)
- [6126: Tiny typo fix in docblock](zendframework#6126)
- [6128: Fix class description](zendframework#6128)
- [6129: change is&zendframework#95;null($var) to (null === $var) for consistency](zendframework#6129)
- [6130: change docblocks and comments that still using "Zend&zendframework#95;" to "Zend\"](zendframework#6130)
- [6132: FormElementManager: Only initialize a shared element once](zendframework#6132)
- [6136: Fix: No need to prefix imports](zendframework#6136)
- [6139: Fix: Test name](zendframework#6139)
- [6140: Fix: Indentation in array initialization, trailing commas](zendframework#6140)


- **ZF2014-03:** Potential XSS vector in multiple view helpers due to
  inappropriate HTML attribute escaping. Many view helpers were using the
  `escapeHtml()` view helper in order to escape HTML attributes. This release
  patches them to use the `escapeHtmlAttr()` view helper in these situations.
  If you use form or navigation view helpers, or "HTML element" view helpers
  (such as `gravatar()`, `htmlFlash()`, `htmlPage()`, or `htmlQuicktime()`), we
  recommend upgrading immediately.


Toggle release-2.2.7's commit message
Zend Framework 2.2.7



- **ZF2014-03:** Potential XSS vector in multiple view helpers due to
  inappropriate HTML attribute escaping. Many view helpers were using the
  `escapeHtml()` view helper in order to escape HTML attributes. This release
  patches them to use the `escapeHtmlAttr()` view helper in these situations.
  If you use form or navigation view helpers, or "HTML element" view helpers
  (such as `gravatar()`, `htmlFlash()`, `htmlPage()`, or `htmlQuicktime()`), we
  recommend upgrading immediately.


Toggle release-2.3.0's commit message
Zend Framework 2.3.0

- [3015: $escapeHtmlHelper is not optional, in case you want real HTML as a label](zendframework#3015)
- [3198: Limit/offset doesn't work properly when using parameters and SQL Server drivers](zendframework#3198)
- [4021: Mysqli driver raise a lot of warning about Undefined property after connection closed](zendframework#4021)
- [4280: begin,commit and rollback methods for PostgreSQL have been implemented](zendframework#4280)
- [4290: Zend\Db\Sql setTable method ommit array](zendframework#4290)
- [4304: Add support for dblib PDO driver in quoteValue()](zendframework#4304)
- [4348: Add isActive method Navigation Page Uri.](zendframework#4348)
- [4397: Add coveralls support and fix a few testing bugs related to coverage](zendframework#4397)
- [4400: Ability to get an element with creation options from the FormElementManager](zendframework#4400)
- [4401: add flag for fallback value](zendframework#4401)
- [4427: add group and having ability to Paginator\Adapter\DbTableGateway](zendframework#4427)
- [4443: Translator\Loader\PhpArray can't load from the include path](zendframework#4443)
- [4449: Console route improvements](zendframework#4449)
- [4455: Need way to specify in the logger configuration the factory for the own writer](zendframework#4455)
- [4489: Replacing the magic number for a list of constants in Validator\NotEmpty](zendframework#4489)
- [4505: Give modules the ability to modify application config after their own co...](zendframework#4505)
- [4510: Introduce Zend\I18n\Filter\NumberParse based on Zend\I18n\Filter\NumberFormat](zendframework#4510)
- [4512: blackhole cache storage adapter](zendframework#4512)
- [4515: Issue zendframework#4443 - Zend\I18n\Translator\Loader\PhpArray can now load files from include path](zendframework#4515)
- [4534: Introduce JsonSerializable polyfill and support in Zend\Json\Encoder](zendframework#4534)
- [4574: Config\Factory can read from include&zendframework#95;path](zendframework#4574)
- [4584: Composer dependencies fixed](zendframework#4584)
- [4606: Supports the encoding of the console and encodes the text to display if needed](zendframework#4606)
- [4610: Version warning http:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow&zendframework#95;url&zendframework#95;fopen=0](zendframework#4610)
- [4625: Use Zend\Http\Client in Zend\Version](zendframework#4625)
- [4653: Zend\Authentication\Adapter\Http::&zendframework#95;challengeClient() should be public](zendframework#4653)
- [4662: Zend\Db PDO adapter ignoring charset](zendframework#4662)
- [4677: Add Form\Element labelOptions property w/ implemented use case](zendframework#4677)
- [4679: !IE support for conditional comments powered viewhelper](zendframework#4679)
- [4742: LoggerAwareInterface and its Trait](zendframework#4742)
- [4751: Hydrator aware trait](zendframework#4751)
- [4752: Hydrator refactoring](zendframework#4752)
- [4756: getValue() for MonthSelect, DateSelect and DateTimeSelect Form Elements ](zendframework#4756)
- [4764: Add interface `FilterEnabledInterface`](zendframework#4764)
- [4767: Make include&zendframework#95;path functionality of Config and Translator opt-in](zendframework#4767)
- [4781: Adding missing "NOT IN" predicate](zendframework#4781)
- [4785: CSRF element naming conflicts](zendframework#4785)
- [4813: Zend log filter sample](zendframework#4813)
- [4815: Make HTTP auth adapter's challengeClient() method public](zendframework#4815)
- [4822: Simplification of the HTML class name in Tag\Cloud\Decorator\HtmlCloud](zendframework#4822)
- [4824: Add Config Reader for Java-style .properties files and strings](zendframework#4824)
- [4831: Zend\Mvc\Application::run returns ResponseInterface.](zendframework#4831)
- [4836: Adding warning namespace](zendframework#4836)
- [4844: Add cas operation for apc adapter](zendframework#4844)
- [4846: DisableInArrayValidator for Multicheckbox](zendframework#4846)
- [4849: Fix Application::run() return values](zendframework#4849)
- [4852: ArrayObject::offsetExists - Fix check on offsetExists](zendframework#4852)
- [4860: abstract factory for configs reading keys from merged config](zendframework#4860)
- [4864: enhancement of ProvidesEvents trait](zendframework#4864)
- [4871: Use .eml extensions for emails stored with Zend\Mail\Transport\File](zendframework#4871)
- [4884: Allow replacing elements within a form collection](zendframework#4884)
- [4903: Update MemoryManager.php](zendframework#4903)
- [4904: Update Feed.php](zendframework#4904)
- [4907: Changed self::SPECIFICATION&zendframework#95;* to static::SPECIFICATION&zendframework#95;* in non declarat...](zendframework#4907)
- [4908: Segregation HydratorInterface](zendframework#4908)
- [4912: Fix spelling of "marshall"](zendframework#4912)
- [4913: make use of mickey179/vfsStream in unit tests: Zend\Test](zendframework#4913)
- [4927: Nested Fieldset value can be a Traversable](zendframework#4927)
- [4931: Mime\Message: createFromString: really ignore unknown headers](zendframework#4931)
- [4940: New Zend\Validator\Bitwise](zendframework#4940)
- [4946: Add assertTemplateName and assertNotTemplateName](zendframework#4946)
- [4950: Add matching capabilities to the Content-Type header](zendframework#4950)
- [4962: added "ControllerManager" Manager, and make "ControllerLoader" as alias of it](zendframework#4962)
- [4969: PartialLoop helper: prevent convert traversable model to array recursive...](zendframework#4969)
- [4971: Form\Factory can handle config with null elements](zendframework#4971)
- [4973: Issue 4662 - Zend\Db\PDO adapter driver ignores charset option](zendframework#4973)
- [4979: Add multiple translation text domains to Zend\Navigation](zendframework#4979)
- [4980: change of version checks to use PHP&zendframework#95;VERSION&zendframework#95;ID constant.](zendframework#4980)
- [4989: &zendframework#91;Zend-Code&zendframework#92; Find php 5.4 traits with TokenArrayScanner](zendframework#4989)
- [4995: &zendframework#91;SessionManagerFactory&zendframework#92; Configuration of validators in SessionManagerFactory](zendframework#4995)
- [5019: added role attribute](zendframework#5019)
- [5024: &zendframework#91;BC Break&zendframework#92; Added the set /getPbkdf2HashAlgorithm() in BlockCipher](zendframework#5024)
- [5025: Support for 'origin' header value?](zendframework#5025)
- [5029: Support for Origin header](zendframework#5029)
- [5032: Added metadata for oracle](zendframework#5032)
- [5034: Locale aware fix](zendframework#5034)
- [5043: DocBlock Reflection not returning correct tags](zendframework#5043)
- [5064: Added optional charset to pdo dsn](zendframework#5064)
- [5069: Fixed bug that caused the PDO to throw an invalid keyword error](zendframework#5069)
- [5072: PSR-2 : add space before and after between (if and foreach) and parenthesis](zendframework#5072)
- [5080: Added separator to model in renderPartial function](zendframework#5080)
- [5082: Simplification](zendframework#5082)
- [5089: Test for the getArrayCopy method in AbstractRestultSet](zendframework#5089)
- [5101: Update label view helper to have html escape by default](zendframework#5101)
- [5106: Fix CollectionInputFilter validation when empty data is being processed](zendframework#5106)
- [5108: Hotfix/4879](zendframework#5108)
- [5136: Zend\Navigation - add to AbstractPage static factories](zendframework#5136)
- [5138: Zend/Navigation/Page/Mvc add default route name](zendframework#5138)
- [5139: Zend/Navigation/View/HelperConfig - configurable view helper](zendframework#5139)
- [5209: increase consistency : call $this->events, $this->event, $this->response, and $this->request directly at Zend\Mvc\Application.php](zendframework#5209)
- [5211: Get the connected dsn string that is now stored when the pdo connection is made](zendframework#5211)
- [5226: Fix/form label options](zendframework#5226)
- [5237: ServiceManager - fix AbstractFactories performance and service waiting](zendframework#5237)
- [5238: allow empty fieldset labels in formCollection view helper](zendframework#5238)
- [5242: form collection attributes](zendframework#5242)
- [5245: Fix code reflection - getBody/getContents method](zendframework#5245)
- [5255: Get ViewModel children by capture](zendframework#5255)
- [5260: Zend/Db/Sql/Insert - implement insert into select construction](zendframework#5260)
- [5261: DevelopThis is a new PR since the base branch has changed.  Please see zendframework#5017](zendframework#5261)
- [5262: Zend code method prototype](zendframework#5262)
- [5266: Throw an exception in PhpRenderer when the resolved file path is not rea...](zendframework#5266)
- [5272: Create Callback adapter for Zend\Paginator](zendframework#5272)
- [5283: Deprecate ProvidesEvents trait](zendframework#5283)
- [5289: Abstract Factories handling is inconsistent with normal Factories](zendframework#5289)
- [5304: &zendframework#91;psr-2&zendframework#92; Add whitespace for anonymous functions.](zendframework#5304)
- [5308: Zend\Db\Resultset fix buffering](zendframework#5308)
- [5312: Locale aware fix](zendframework#5312)
- [5313: &zendframework#91;http&zendframework#92; fix many header issues](zendframework#5313)
- [5316: Added Content Security Policy 1.0 header class](zendframework#5316)
- [5321: Zend\Db\Adapter alow to use the temporary ResultSetPrototype](zendframework#5321)
- [5329: change self:: with static:: in call-ing static property/method](zendframework#5329)
- [5338: ZendTest - added tearDown for Netbeans tests](zendframework#5338)
- [5341: Missing notIn predicate](zendframework#5341)
- [5354: Can't inherit abstract function Zend\Validator\Translator\TranslatorInterface::translate()](zendframework#5354)
- [5355: Handle 'disable&zendframework#95;html&zendframework#95;escape' option in FormButton helper](zendframework#5355)
- [5356: Deprecate Zend\Dom\Query in favor of more logical OO approach](zendframework#5356)
- [5358: &zendframework#91;Zend\Navigation&zendframework#92; Extracting the translation from "htmlify"-method into ...](zendframework#5358)
- [5364: Add Naming strategy for Hydrators](zendframework#5364)
- [5365: &zendframework#91;stdlib&zendframework#92; Add guard utils and traits](zendframework#5365)
- [5377: &zendframework#91;http&zendframework#92; Allow headers without whitespace after ":"](zendframework#5377)
- [5380: Zf hydrator strategy context](zendframework#5380)
- [5390: Add regression test for zendframework#5237](zendframework#5390)
- [5391: CS fix for zendframework#5245](zendframework#5391)
- [5393: Properly set only specified methods](zendframework#5393)
- [5394: use namespaces in versiontest](zendframework#5394)
- [5395: ServiceManager::has() when assigned non String or Array causes Undefine Notice errors](zendframework#5395)
- [5396: Fix for issue zendframework#5395](zendframework#5396)
- [5398: fixed typo](zendframework#5398)
- [5400: fixes zendframework#5384 - getValue now returns metadata of the value, added getValueType](zendframework#5400)
- [5403: README fix of Zend\Dom\Query (zendframework#5356)](zendframework#5403)
- [5406: Make I18n component completely optional for Mvc](zendframework#5406)
- [5408: Fixes for zendframework#5356](zendframework#5408)
- [5420: Added ability to compose collections via Zend Form annotations](zendframework#5420)
- [5436: &zendframework#91;WIP&zendframework#92; Zend\Filter harmonization (Issue 5119)](zendframework#5436)
- [5456: Enable input filter config from annotations to be passed on via composed collections](zendframework#5456)
- [5458: &zendframework#91;Validator&zendframework#92; Refactor Date](zendframework#5458)
- [5459: fix docblock and exception that still use "Zend&zendframework#95;" prefix](zendframework#5459)
- [5469: Abstract console controller](zendframework#5469)
- [5470: Add Zend\Mail\Transport\Factory](zendframework#5470)
- [5484: Db\Sql\Select use functions without table](zendframework#5484)
- [5496: Oracle hotfix for zendframework#5488 (casing in sequence helper)](zendframework#5496)
- [5533: &zendframework#91;WIP&zendframework#92; Added option to ensure form element will be rendered inside label tag ev...](zendframework#5533)
- [5538: Zend\Db\Sql\Ddl\CreateTable - fix create temporary tables](zendframework#5538)
- [5557: Fixed non-working Spanish validator translation](zendframework#5557)
- [5562: Add unsetValueOption() to the Form\Element\Select and Form\Element\MultiCheckbox](zendframework#5562)
- [5569: Fixed boolean/integer BC break in Zend\Config\Writer\PhpArray](zendframework#5569)
- [5587: Changed the default cost of bcrypt to 10](zendframework#5587)
- [5593: Added resources/languages/id for Indonesian translation](zendframework#5593)
- [5602: Update minimum required PHP version to 5.3.23](zendframework#5602)
- [5604: &zendframework#91;2.3.0&zendframework#92; change php require version from 5.3.3 to 5.3.23 in all resources and update tests that no longer support 5.3.3](zendframework#5604)
- [5605: Fixed session&zendframework#95;cache&zendframework#95;limiter available options](zendframework#5605)
- [5611: Adding HHVM to build matrix](zendframework#5611)
- [5612: make 'listeners' key can be configured outside application.config.php](zendframework#5612)
- [5616: Prettify the output of Zend\Code\Generator\ValueGenerator for multi line arrays](zendframework#5616)
- [5628: Acl assertions enhancement](zendframework#5628)
- [5638: BaseInputFilter handles missing data properly](zendframework#5638)
- [5642: Offset may be specified without a limit. Causes syntax error in mysql, sqlite and maybe others](zendframework#5642)
- [5643: Fixes zendframework#5642](zendframework#5643)
- [5649: Added a assertion method for the response phrase of a http response.](zendframework#5649)
- [5650: Set custom class name for active li element](zendframework#5650)
- [5651: Allow modules to load their own dependencies](zendframework#5651)
- [5664: &zendframework#91;Minor BC&zendframework#92; Remove translation of validator keys](zendframework#5664)
- [5665: &zendframework#91;http&zendframework#92; Normalize Content-Transfer-Encoding](zendframework#5665)
- [5666: Remove translations in Zend\Form\View\Helper\FormElementErrors zendframework#5646](zendframework#5666)
- [5670: Add controller namespace prefix to template mapping](zendframework#5670)
- [5689: Fix BC break with skeleton for Translator Service](zendframework#5689)
- [5692: Additional MVC Translator BC fixes](zendframework#5692)
- [5698: zendframework#5665 Normalize Http Content-Transfer-Encoding](zendframework#5698)
- [5702: Stdlib - PriorityList move from Zend\Mvc\Router to Stdlib](zendframework#5702)
- [5711: Implemented writeTextBlock method in Zend\Console\Adapter\AbstractAdapter](zendframework#5711)
- [5713: Adding Zend\Console\Getopt option callback hooks](zendframework#5713)
- [5717: Hotfix/various fixes](zendframework#5717)
- [5719: Feature/make collection configurable](zendframework#5719)
- [5720: Fix zendframework#5671 - console routing not correct](zendframework#5720)
- [5724: 5.3.3 -> 5.3.23 missing dump](zendframework#5724)
- [5730: Zend\Test Fix persistence with multi dispatch](zendframework#5730)
- [5731: Zend\Test Provide dispatch like a XmlHttpRequest](zendframework#5731)
- [5732: Fix for issue zendframework#5629](zendframework#5732)
- [5736: fix strange exception message in Mysqli connection](zendframework#5736)
- [5741: Make allowObjectBinding configurable for Fieldsets](zendframework#5741)
- [5747: Implementation of inTransaction() in all Zend\Db\Adapter\Drivers](zendframework#5747)
- [5748: added a submodule loading to testCanLoadMultipleModules](zendframework#5748)
- [5751: Updated Bulgarian translation](zendframework#5751)
- [5757: Zend\Config\Writer\PhpArray needs to use var&zendframework#95;export for strings, not addslahes()](zendframework#5757)
- [5759: Update FlashMessenger.php](zendframework#5759)
- [5780: Allow specifying "break chain on failure" flag as Validator option](zendframework#5780)
- [5783: Do not exit from loadClass() early](zendframework#5783)
- [5792: &zendframework#91;Soap/Server&zendframework#92; add debug mode](zendframework#5792)
- [5793: &zendframework#91;Soap\Client\DotNet&zendframework#92;&zendframework#91;FIX&zendframework#92; Undefined property in void return](zendframework#5793)
- [5795: ServiceManager::canCreateFromAbstractFactory() missing foreach break after valid abstract factory found](zendframework#5795)
- [5803: Hide sub menus if all pages in the sub menu is hidden.](zendframework#5803)
- [5810: &zendframework#91;Zend\Soap\Server&zendframework#92; Add getException to get caught exceptions](zendframework#5810)
- [5811: &zendframework#91;Zend\Soap\Server&zendframework#92;&zendframework#91;NEW&zendframework#92; add a getSoap method, return the internal instance](zendframework#5811)
- [5825: New class Translator\Loader\PhpMemoryArray ](zendframework#5825)
- [5829: Zend\Cache\Storage\Adapter\Memcache](zendframework#5829)
- [5840: Removed Zend\Http\Client\Cookies](zendframework#5840)
- [5853: Fixes zendframework#4943](zendframework#5853)
- [5854: Multiple identifiers in `In`](zendframework#5854)
- [5855: Fixes zendframework#5162](zendframework#5855)
- [5856: zendframework#5665 Fix in test for JsonStrategy](zendframework#5856)
- [5858: Deprecate Proxy auto-generation](zendframework#5858)
- [5864: patch zendframework#5860 barcode analyzer fixes](zendframework#5864)
- [5869: remove TYPE&zendframework#95;SELECT deprecated Constant that marked will go away in 2.1](zendframework#5869)
- [5875: Logger register shut down](zendframework#5875)
- [5877: Optional ProxyManager in builds](zendframework#5877)
- [5880: Updated PhpArray to expand paths using &zendframework#95;&zendframework#95;DIR&zendframework#95;&zendframework#95;](zendframework#5880)
- [5882: Allow setting formatter for Zend\Log\Writer\Db via config options](zendframework#5882)
- [5885: parametrized-locale-aware routing](zendframework#5885)
- [5897: Add get decode json data on params controller plugin](zendframework#5897)
- [5901: Add AuthenticationServiceInterface](zendframework#5901)
- [5902: Added testcase for BlockCipher using 0 values](zendframework#5902)
- [5907: &zendframework#91;zendframework#5616&zendframework#92; Adapt array indentation to PSR-2 guidelines by default](zendframework#5907)
- [5908: Allow merging text domains without plural rules](zendframework#5908)
- [5910: minor improvements to form labels](zendframework#5910)
- [5917: Fixes zendframework#5192](zendframework#5917)
- [5918: Hotfix/4785 csrf name conflicts](zendframework#5918)
- [5919: Default value for labelAttributes](zendframework#5919)
- [5920: FormRow generetes invalid HTML for MonthSelect](zendframework#5920)
- [5921: Nicaraguan phone numbering plan once again](zendframework#5921)
- [5922: Updated catalan Zend/Validate translations](zendframework#5922)
- [5923: Fix/5906 collection count is ignored when data empty](zendframework#5923)
- [5925: Update DateStep.php](zendframework#5925)
- [5926: Fix for missing required option for CollectionInputFilter](zendframework#5926)
- [5928: Fixed notice on binding entity to form](zendframework#5928)
- [5930: Fix @cover at travis build from zendframework#5853](zendframework#5930)
- [5931: Disable <label> for input hidden](zendframework#5931)
- [5933: Allow arbitrary error codes in JSON RPC server](zendframework#5933)
- [5936: Fix for issue zendframework#4267](zendframework#5936)
- [5937: Fix Zend\Mail\Headers::removeHeader is not removing every header matching header name](zendframework#5937)
- [5939: Fix annotation on Zend\Mail\Message::getHeaderByName](zendframework#5939)
- [5940: Zend\Db\Sql Allow MySQL to use limit when only offset was provided](zendframework#5940)
- [5941: no cast to (int) on limit&offset at Zend\Db\Sql\Select.php](zendframework#5941)
- [5942: Mvc\I18n\Translator -> setLocale](zendframework#5942)
- [5943: Fixed route matcher test](zendframework#5943)
- [5951: Fix console mixed case optional value params](zendframework#5951)


Toggle release-2.2.6's commit message
Zend Framework 2.2.6


- [4490: Nonvalid literal value for the boolean type, PDO](zendframework#4490)
- [4993: Zend\Db\TableGateway\Feature\FeatureSet::addFeature() at line 69](zendframework#4993)
- [5125: Method scanner fixed](zendframework#5125)
- [5174: SequenceFeature](zendframework#5174)
- [5186: Minor bugfix: Added missing composer dependency (ServiceManager) to Math package](zendframework#5186)
- [5221: - Create temporary table instead of create table temporary](zendframework#5221)
- [5314: Enable persistent connections for IbmDb2.](zendframework#5314)
- [5322: Fixing a bug that causes fatal error when a RowGateway's primary key wer...](zendframework#5322)
- [5375: Fixes default type == string](zendframework#5375)
- [5383: fix for zendframework#4614 breaks error handler using Zend\Log](zendframework#5383)
- [5385: Resolves zendframework#4708 - adding transparent background support to barcode](zendframework#5385)
- [5387: fixes zendframework#5062 - No longer throw Filename cannot be empty error](zendframework#5387)
- [5401: fixed typos](zendframework#5401)
- [5402: Update range of mobile](zendframework#5402)
- [5409: &zendframework#91;rbac&zendframework#92; Typo](zendframework#5409)
- [5411: Update Czech validator messages ](zendframework#5411)
- [5412: Zend\Test needs Zend\Console as dependency](zendframework#5412)
- [5418: Added isset check for REMOTE&zendframework#95;ADDR](zendframework#5418)
- [5421: fix typo & wording](zendframework#5421)
- [5422: Fix emails that contain lines that start with periods](zendframework#5422)
- [5423: Zend\Http\Header\SetCookie not compatible with older versions of pcre (and therefore CentOS)](zendframework#5423)
- [5424: Issue 3104: Form\Element "x-..." attributes](zendframework#5424)
- [5425: Issue 3249: FormFile does not allow "value" as an attribute](zendframework#5425)
- [5432: Problem with Forward Plugin](zendframework#5432)
- [5438: fix typo](zendframework#5438)
- [5444: fix indentation](zendframework#5444)
- [5445: Fixing issue with ModuleAutoloader on Windows](zendframework#5445)
- [5447: Di circular dependancies](zendframework#5447)
- [5451: Remove duplicate: zend-stdlib is already required](zendframework#5451)
- [5452: update master's resources/ja Zend&zendframework#95;Validate.php message for 2.2](zendframework#5452)
- [5453: add resources/languages/ja/Zend&zendframework#95;Captcha.php with Japanese translated](zendframework#5453)
- [5457: Zend\Db\Adapter\Driver\PdoResult::current patch](zendframework#5457)
- [5464: remove unused use](zendframework#5464)
- [5468: Add security disclosure info to README/CONTRIBUTING docs](zendframework#5468)
- [5471: Fix typehint for getServiceLocator().](zendframework#5471)
- [5472: remove unused use statements](zendframework#5472)
- [5476: Zend\Http\Header\SetCookie changed to support empty cookies](zendframework#5476)
- [5479: Add element input filters before form input filters](zendframework#5479)
- [5495: Hotfix/multiple nested collection test](zendframework#5495)
- [5497: fix for fprg](zendframework#5497)
- [5499: zendframework#5465 use strlen instead of empty](zendframework#5499)
- [5502: Update collection recursive extract and populating nested fieldsets](zendframework#5502)
- [5507: Fixed usage of imported namespace.](zendframework#5507)
- [5508: Specify correct return type for `Pdo\Connection::getLastGeneratedValue`](zendframework#5508)
- [5523: &zendframework#91;Http&zendframework#92; Fixes](zendframework#5523)
- [5534: Added ability to set form option useInputFilterDefaults in factory via s...](zendframework#5534)
- [5546: Zend/Mvc/Router encoding issue (Fixes zendframework#5516)](zendframework#5546)
- [5551: Fix Zend\Form\Element\Number $inclusive is always true (Fix for zendframework#5549)](zendframework#5551)
- [5552: Add driver options to the Oci8 Db adapter](zendframework#5552)
- [5555: &zendframework#91;Hotfix&zendframework#92; Validator\File classes behaviour with empty value](zendframework#5555)
- [5567: Fixes zendframework#4670](zendframework#5567)
- [5570: fix zendframework#5428 only read the stream contents once](zendframework#5570)
- [5575: Fix graphme&zendframework#95;substr for PHP >= 5.4.18 or >=5.5.1](zendframework#5575)
- [5576: Enable Travis Fast finishing](zendframework#5576)
- [5577: Fix for zendframework#4707 pgsql getLastGeneratedValue() Problem](zendframework#5577)
- [5588: More lenient db detection in Logger abstract factory](zendframework#5588)
- [5597: Fix zend server cache](zendframework#5597)
- [5609: Allow RuntimeDefinition to still process explicit classes](zendframework#5609)
- [5613: Test rewrite for avoid test skip. Related zendframework#5592](zendframework#5613)
- [5614: Fixed issue with Math\Rand::getInteger() on ranges close to PHP&zendframework#95;INT&zendframework#95;MAX](zendframework#5614)
- [5623: Adding attributes to fieldsets. Legends are optional for fieldsets.](zendframework#5623)
- [5633: Giving a Warning namespaces to FlashMessager](zendframework#5633)
- [5636: Fix for the implementation of Collection Element](zendframework#5636)
- [5641: &zendframework#91;Hotfix&zendframework#92; FilePostRedirectGet plugin and form collections](zendframework#5641)
- [5644: Addressing issue zendframework#5624. Implemented fix and added test case.](zendframework#5644)
- [5645: Update InArray.php](zendframework#5645)
- [5647: Adding Hungarian translations](zendframework#5647)
- [5659: Fix a fatal error when assert WWW-Authenticate header is sent - Hotfix/5658](zendframework#5659)
- [5669: Fix bug in InjectTemplateListenerTest](zendframework#5669)
- [5672: &zendframework#91;cs&zendframework#92; cleanup master](zendframework#5672)
- [5677: SetCookie With expiry of over 2038 fail on 32bit systems](zendframework#5677)
- [5680: Update BlockCipher.php](zendframework#5680)
- [5691: Input Factory supports "break&zendframework#95;on&zendframework#95;failure" option](zendframework#5691)
- [5707: update userguide manual link](zendframework#5707)
- [5714: Change hardcoded event name by its constant.](zendframework#5714)
- [5718: added a submodule loading to testCanLoadMultipleModules](zendframework#5718)
- [5729: Fixed module loader to work with *.tar modules in IIS7.5 on Win 2008 R2](zendframework#5729)
- [5739: &zendframework#91;BUGFIX&zendframework#92; DI fails with CompilerDefinition; solves zendframework#5738](zendframework#5739)
- [5746: Remove hydrator from collections](zendframework#5746)
- [5749: shortcircuit rendering if no messages](zendframework#5749)
- [5750: Change error message when no role found](zendframework#5750)
- [5752: Get an abstract defined service from an alias](zendframework#5752)
- [5754: Fixed gz decompress check for false](zendframework#5754)
- [5755: More explicit name for requested name](zendframework#5755)
- [5761: fixed typo](zendframework#5761)
- [5762: remove unneeded createService functions that actually do same with base class ( AbstractPluginManagerFactory )](zendframework#5762)
- [5768: FIX zendframework#5767 Zend\Db\Sql\Select: getRawState('order') is inconsistent](zendframework#5768)
- [5771: Fix escaped special chars in urlencoded parameters string incorrectly normalized](zendframework#5771)
- [5772: Zend\Config\Processor\Token converts boolean to string](zendframework#5772)
- [5773: Hotfix for zendframework#5772: token processor should not cast booleans to strings](zendframework#5773)
- [5775: Update Predicate.php](zendframework#5775)
- [5781: Support PHPUnit 3.8+ compatibility](zendframework#5781)
- [5782: remove unneeded key "name" under "input&zendframework#95;filter" per-element in FormAbstractServiceFactoryTest](zendframework#5782)
- [5786: Correct references toPHPUnit&zendframework#95;Runner&zendframework#95;Version::VERSION](zendframework#5786)
- [5788: Zend\Filter\Compress\Bz2 and Gz should be fully PHP >= 5.4 compatible](zendframework#5788)
- [5796: \Zend\Form\Element\Email, with multiple=true leads to “Array to string conversion”](zendframework#5796)
- [5808: Fixes zendframework#5796](zendframework#5808)
- [5813: Fixed the classmap autoloader to work under Windows in Phar files.](zendframework#5813)
- [5814: Fix validate non required fields in CollectionInputFilter](zendframework#5814)
- [5815: Usage of a function in loops should be avoided](zendframework#5815)
- [5820: &zendframework#91;Zend\InputFilter\InputFilter&zendframework#92; SetValidationGroup() VALIDATE&zendframework#95;ALL not working recursively](zendframework#5820)
- [5824: Remove HTTP client restriction on cookies](zendframework#5824)
- [5830: Run Travis build also on PHP 5.6](zendframework#5830)
- [5831: Fixes zendframework#4926](zendframework#5831)
- [5833: Avoid function usage in loops](zendframework#5833)
- [5836: Fixes zendframework#3773](zendframework#5836)
- [5838: Fix Zend\Test for custom response usage](zendframework#5838)
- [5839: &zendframework#91;Zend\Filter\Compress&zendframework#92; added PHP 5.4 support for strings in Bz2 and Gz decompress](zendframework#5839)
- [5846: Enabling the Request object to generate the correct scheme for SSL URI ](zendframework#5846)
- [5848: Test and quick fix zendframework#5847](zendframework#5848)
- [5861: Post/Redirect/Get should keep query parameters](zendframework#5861)
- [5868: Fixes zendframework#4993](zendframework#5868)
- [5870: SSL CA File support.](zendframework#5870)
- [5871: Add processor support to the Logger options.](zendframework#5871)
- [5874: Update NotEmpty validator to use bitmasking](zendframework#5874)
- [5879: Update NotEmptyTest tests to use data providers where possible](zendframework#5879)
- [5883: Fixes zendframework#5648](zendframework#5883)
- [5887: Fixed bug that didn't allow the connection to the SQLite database to be closed](zendframework#5887)
- [5890: Hotfix/5640 for bug in nested Zend\Form\Element\Collection::extract() recursion](zendframework#5890)
- [5891: Nicaraguan phone numbering plan](zendframework#5891)
- [5892: Case-insensitive country for the PhoneNumber validator class](zendframework#5892)
- [5893: Fix bug in json prettyprint](zendframework#5893)
- [5899: fix cs from zendframework#5613](zendframework#5899)
- [5900: Fix for zendframework#5894 - .il Domain checking](zendframework#5900)
- [5903: Re-added ConstraintKeyObject which is consumed from the AbstractSource w/ test (Fixes zendframework#3512)](zendframework#5903)
- [5912: clone problem in datetimeselect form element clone method](zendframework#5912)
- [5913: Hotfix for zendframework#5912: wrong datetime select form element cloning logic](zendframework#5913)
- [5916: Zend\Http: Unit tests for multi-line headers](zendframework#5916)

- **ZF2014-01:** Potential XXE/XEE attacks using PHP functions:
  `simplexml_load_*`, `DOMDocument::loadXML`, and `xml_parse`. A new component,
  `ZendXml`, was introduced to mitigate XML eXternal Entity and XML Entity
  Expansion vectors that are present in older versions of libxml2 and/or PHP.
  `Zend\Json\Json::fromXml()` and `Zend\XmlRpc`'s `Response` and `Fault` classes
  were potentially vulnerable to these attacks. If you use either of these
  components, we recommend upgrading immediately.


Toggle release-2.1.6's commit message
Zend Framework 2.1.6


- **ZF2014-01:** Potential XXE/XEE attacks using PHP functions:
  `simplexml_load_*`, `DOMDocument::loadXML`, and `xml_parse`. A new component,
  `ZendXml`, was introduced to mitigate XML eXternal Entity and XML Entity
  Expansion vectors that are present in older versions of libxml2 and/or PHP.
  `Zend\Json\Json::fromXml()` and `Zend\XmlRpc`'s `Response` and `Fault` classes
  were potentially vulnerable to these attacks. If you use either of these
  components, we recommend upgrading immediately.


Toggle release-2.2.5's commit message
Zend Framework 2.2.5

Total issues resolved: **73**

- [4604: Zend\Json\Server\Server::addFunction instantiates new class even an object was given as callable](zendframework#4604)
- [4874: Skip AnnotationScanner if class name information can't be found.](zendframework#4874)
- [4918: &zendframework#91;suggest&zendframework#92; Ignore methods without parameters from aware interfaces](zendframework#4918)
- [5013: ZF2-2454 HTTP 308 Resume Incomplete missing in Zend\Http\Response](zendframework#5013)
- [5031: Fix input annotation handler in Zend/Form/Annotation/ElementAnnotationsListener](zendframework#5031)
- [5035: updated Zend&zendframework#95;Validate&zendframework#95;Hostname translation message IDs and translations](zendframework#5035)
- [5037: Slovenian translations updated](zendframework#5037)
- [5040: Correct namespace name DockBlock to DocBlock](zendframework#5040)
- [5044: Reflection ThrowsTag to handle types correctly](zendframework#5044)
- [5050: zendframework#4996 broke File filters management](zendframework#5050)
- [5053: add test case for Zend\Validator\IsInstanceOf to pass Traversable to constructor](zendframework#5053)
- [5054: is bin/pluginmap&zendframework#95;generator.php broken ?](zendframework#5054)
- [5065: &zendframework#91;Zend\Http\Client&zendframework#92; dupplicate header keys in prepareHeaders](zendframework#5065)
- [5066: &zendframework#95;&zendframework#95;invoke parameter should be null by default](zendframework#5066)
- [5068: using injected response object](zendframework#5068)
- [5071: Increase readability, fix indentation](zendframework#5071)
- [5078: hotfix/4508 and make Zend\Http\Header\SetCookie RFC conform](zendframework#5078)
- [5083: &zendframework#91;Barcode&zendframework#92; removed some unused variables](zendframework#5083)
- [5093: Extract and populate values for nested fieldsets in Collection elements](zendframework#5093)
- [5100: &zendframework#91;ServiceManager&zendframework#92; Implemented circular alias reference detection](zendframework#5100)
- [5111: Fix test suite when ext/intl isn't available](zendframework#5111)
- [5121: Add inline comments](zendframework#5121)
- [5140: Fix not allowed encoding of content-transfer-encoding and content-type headers in single part encoded mails](zendframework#5140)
- [5146: Adds an alias for ModuleManager and removes the duplicate service defini...](zendframework#5146)
- [5150: Fix Validator\PhoneNumber with E.123/E.164 international numbers.](zendframework#5150)
- [5152: Issue zendframework#4669 - Class generator should return uses from file generator](zendframework#5152)
- [5161: Fix calling View\Helper\BasePath from CLI results in fatal error.](zendframework#5161)
- [5175: fix delegators to allow usage in plugin managers](zendframework#5175)
- [5180: Ensure DiAbstractServiceFactory takes lowest possible priority](zendframework#5180)
- [5183: Fix for CamelCase filter when string contains multiple uppercase letters and Unicode is off](zendframework#5183)
- [5193: Fix returned NamespaceType for Parameters from Reflection](zendframework#5193)
- [5196: Fix JsonRpc service name](zendframework#5196)
- [5212: assertQueryContentContains searching through all nodes found](zendframework#5212)
- [5216: added missing I18n\Validator\DateTime translations](zendframework#5216)
- [5220: Bug fix for Zend\Form\Element\Collection::extract()](zendframework#5220)
- [5223: Cannot use Zend\Stdlib\ResponseInterface as Response because the name is already in use in Zend\Stdlib\DispatchableInterface](zendframework#5223)
- [5234: added zendframework/zend-session as suggest dependency at Zend\ProgressBar](zendframework#5234)
- [5239: added zendframework/zend-cache as suggest dependency at Zend\Paginator](zendframework#5239)
- [5240: fix Debug::getEscaper() never called at Debug::dump() when xdebug is loaded](zendframework#5240)
- [5246: move zendframework/zend-escaper from require to suggest dependency at Zend\Debug](zendframework#5246)
- [5250: explode should be made only by colon (:) and not colon+space (: )](zendframework#5250)
- [5252: Improvements Zend\Form\View\Helper\FormElement](zendframework#5252)
- [5254: Zend\Log\Writer\Db via config throws exception](zendframework#5254)
- [5259: Modified PhpArray config writer to generate better readable array format.](zendframework#5259)
- [5271: fixes zendframework#5270](zendframework#5271)
- [5274: add regression testing for fieldset input filter](zendframework#5274)
- [5279: Polish translation for Zend\Captcha](zendframework#5279)
- [5280: Polish translation and fixes in Zend\Validate](zendframework#5280)
- [5286: Hotfix/5118](zendframework#5286)
- [5287: Add Not Like Predicate](zendframework#5287)
- [5291: &zendframework#91;mail&zendframework#92; Fixes, criteria unification and optimization.](zendframework#5291)
- [5293: Fix zendframework#5289 (abstract factories return type)](zendframework#5293)
- [5295: Update DateFormat.php to fix deprecated method call: PHP >= 5.5.0.](zendframework#5295)
- [5301: &zendframework#91;http&zendframework#92; Adapt header field name validation to RFC definition](zendframework#5301)
- [5302: &zendframework#91;http&zendframework#92; Parse headerline](zendframework#5302)
- [5311: &zendframework#91;http&zendframework#92; Unify criteria for split name](zendframework#5311)
- [5317: IbmDb2 Commitment Control](zendframework#5317)
- [5318: &zendframework#91;zendframework#5013&zendframework#92; Remove custom code response tests](zendframework#5318)
- [5319: Class not found instead of exception in RedisOptions](zendframework#5319)
- [5325: fixed typo](zendframework#5325)
- [5333: Zend\ServiceManager - CS fixes for master](zendframework#5333)
- [5336: fix typo](zendframework#5336)
- [5343: Remove date filtering on date elements](zendframework#5343)
- [5350: fixed typos](zendframework#5350)
- [5351: fixes zendframework#5310](zendframework#5351)
- [5360: fixed typo](zendframework#5360)
- [5368: Avoid SOAP constant error in PHPUnit](zendframework#5368)
- [5369: Php unit windows](zendframework#5369)
- [5370: fixed typos](zendframework#5370)
- [5374: Potential security vulnerability ](zendframework#5374)
- [5378: Exception as one of the possible exception for Soap\Server::registerFaultException](zendframework#5378)
- [5379: fixes zendframework#4604](zendframework#5379)
- [5382: zendframework#4954 Mongodb small changes](zendframework#5382)

An issue with `Zend\Http\PhpEnvironment\RemoteAddress` was reported in
[zendframework#5374](zendframework#5374). Essentially, the class
was not checking if `$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']` was one of the trusted proxies
configured, and as a result, `getIpAddressFromProxy()` could return an untrusted
IP address.

The class was updated to check if `$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']` is in the list of
trusted proxies, and, if so, will return that value immediately before
consulting the values in the `X-Forwarded-For` header.

If you use the `RemoteAddr` `Zend\Session` validator, and are configuring
trusted proxies, we recommend updating to 2.2.5 or later immediately.

- [zendframework#5343](zendframework#5343) removed the
  DateTimeFormatter filter from DateTime form elements. This was done
  due to the fact that it led to unexpected behavior when non-date inputs were
  provided. However, since the DateTime element already incorporates a
  DateValidator that accepts a date format, validation can still work as


Toggle last-docs-commit's commit message


Toggle release-2.2.4's commit message
Zend Framework 2.2.4

Total issues resolved: **3**
- [5008: deprecated feature in classmap generator](zendframework#5008)
- [5015: Allow set Form::setPreferFormInputFilter via options](zendframework#5015)
- [5028: Fix forms regression introduced in 2.2.3](zendframework#5028)


Toggle release-2.2.3's commit message
Zend Framework 2.2.3


Total issues resolved: **26**

- [4851: allow usage of validator and filter plugin managers in input filter factory if form manager injected](zendframework#4851)
- [4868: Tests for issue with unexpected injection.](zendframework#4868)
- [4877: Validator\File tests throwing errors in custom PHP 5.3.10 distributions](zendframework#4877)
- [4878: Form element title attribute test](zendframework#4878)
- [4881: Update Validator translations](zendframework#4881)
- [4883: Update Zend&zendframework#95;Validate.php](zendframework#4883)
- [4893: Resolves warning raised when version is not matched.](zendframework#4893)
- [4895: Small fix for ZendTest\Form\FormTest method name](zendframework#4895)
- [4897: Support file stream](zendframework#4897)
- [4905: Update Statement.php](zendframework#4905)
- [4909: renamed test class according to psr-0](zendframework#4909)
- [4915: Dependency suggest for MVC plugins](zendframework#4915)
- [4919: Notices being triggered when hydrating classes with no properties with the reflection hydrator](zendframework#4919)
- [4920: Redundant conditional](zendframework#4920)
- [4922: remove unused $typeFormats property at Zend/Code/Generator/DocBlock/Tag.php](zendframework#4922)
- [4925: HttpClient: adapter always reachable through getter if specified on contructor](zendframework#4925)
- [4929: Add Zend\Uri as a suggest because it is required by the Uri & Sitemap\Loc validator](zendframework#4929)
- [4934: Mime\Message: createFromString: decode transfer encoding](zendframework#4934)
- [4957: Undefined variable: class in Zend/ModuleManager/Listener/ServiceListener.php](zendframework#4957)
- [4966: Fix issue zendframework#4952](zendframework#4966)
- [4976: Applied trim and strtolower to Gravatar email per Gravatar docs:](
- [4978: added missing docblock for "@link", "@copyright", and "@license" and fix wrong namespace according PSR-0](zendframework#4978)
- [4981: Revise docblocks in Zend\Session\ContainerAbstractServiceFactory](zendframework#4981)
- [4988: &zendframework#91;Zend-Code&zendframework#92; Fix Code Generation for non namespace classes](zendframework#4988)
- [4990: &zendframework#91;Zend-Code&zendframework#92; Make sure that a use is only added once in ClassGenerator](zendframework#4990)
- [4996: BaseInputFilter->add deasn't work (Form Validation breaks since 2.2)](zendframework#4996)


Toggle release-2.2.2's commit message
Zend Framework 2.2.2

- [4105: Method "headLink" does not exist](zendframework#4105)
- [4555: Zend\Http\Response::getBody() tries to decode gzip that has already been decoded by cURL](zendframework#4555)
- [4564: &zendframework#91;Navigation&zendframework#92; Allow non-string permissions](zendframework#4564)
- [4567: &zendframework#91;InputFilter&zendframework#92;&zendframework#91;Hotfix&zendframework#92; Missing check for allowEmpty()](zendframework#4567)
- [4612: Templatemap generator: keys of templatemap not correct?](zendframework#4612)
- [4631: remove redundance @copyright and @license docblock  because of already written](zendframework#4631)
- [4640: Split multiple implements into multiple lines](zendframework#4640)
- [4643: Add use statements](zendframework#4643)
- [4644: Make ValidatorPluginManager aware of PhoneNumber validator](zendframework#4644)
- [4646: Docblock subject misspelling](zendframework#4646)
- [4649: &zendframework#91;code&zendframework#92; Implement logic for include a file in FileReflection if this exists and is not already included](zendframework#4649)
- [4650: Some doc block fixes](zendframework#4650)
- [4652: router defaults not being set properly in console](zendframework#4652)
- [4654: Make AbstractRestController rest methods non-abstract zendframework#4209](zendframework#4654)
- [4665: Make ValidatorPluginManager aware of DateTime validator](zendframework#4665)
- [4676: Fix file post redirect get redirection with ModuleRouteListener](zendframework#4676)
- [4688: Add @todo docblock](zendframework#4688)
- [4690: Zend\Mail\Protocol\Smtp does not reset protected $auth after disconnect](zendframework#4690)
- [4692: added zendframework/zend-resources to the global composer.json](zendframework#4692)
- [4696: &zendframework#91;WIP&zendframework#92; Enforcing composer version in travis builds](zendframework#4696)
- [4699: Add use statements](zendframework#4699)
- [4700: PHP 5.5 can't fail anymore](zendframework#4700)
- [4702: DocBlock and CS fixes](zendframework#4702)
- [4705: add zendframework/zend-json to Zend\ProgressBar\composer.json as suggest](zendframework#4705)
- [4722: remove bloated LICENSE description at header for consistency ](zendframework#4722)
- [4725: Add sorting to classmap generator](zendframework#4725)
- [4729: Provide ability to configure ReCaptcha Service public and private keys via options](zendframework#4729)
- [4734: Fix for zendframework#4727](zendframework#4734)
- [4738: remove unnecessary space after function name](zendframework#4738)
- [4741: Hotfix/4740](zendframework#4741)
- [4743: Update PluginManager.php](zendframework#4743)
- [4744: Remove ZendTest from Composer](zendframework#4744)
- [4746: Bumping supported ProxyManager version](zendframework#4746)
- [4754: Update SimpleStreamResponseSenderTest.php](zendframework#4754)
- [4759: Added pluginmap&zendframework#95;generator + templatemap&zendframework#95;generator to BIN directory](zendframework#4759)
- [4761: Remove exceptions from zendframework#4734](zendframework#4761)
- [4762: &zendframework#91;Hotfix&zendframework#92; Fix conflicting use statement](zendframework#4762)
- [4771: Form\View\Helper\FormRow label position gets overwritten by &zendframework#95;&zendframework#95;invoke()](zendframework#4771)
- [4776: Zend\Http\Header\SetCookie Allow unsetting cookie attibutes by resetting to null](zendframework#4776)
- [4777: Change file mode from 644 to 755 templatemap&zendframework#95;generator.php](zendframework#4777)
- [4778: Zend\Validator depends on Zend\Filter](zendframework#4778)
- [4783: Make methods setUp and tearDown protected](zendframework#4783)
- [4787: Update Zend&zendframework#95;Validate.php](zendframework#4787)
- [4788: set factory in CollectionInputFilter](zendframework#4788)
- [4790: Add check to DI to see if we have a class to instantiate](zendframework#4790)
- [4793: &zendframework#91;validator&zendframework#92; Validate quoted local part of email addresses](zendframework#4793)
- [4798: Default mode variables HeadScript and InlineScript](zendframework#4798)
- [4804: Possible Typo in  Zend / Cache / Storage / Adapter / RedisResourceManager](zendframework#4804)
- [4805: Zend\I18n\View\Helper\CurrencyFormat | showDecimals parameter overrides the default value](zendframework#4805)
- [4808: Unimplemented REST methods should set a 405 status](zendframework#4808)
- [4818: Issue4817](zendframework#4818)
- [4830: Correct spelling of function getMajorVersion](zendframework#4830)
- [4835: Update templatemap&zendframework#95;generator.php](zendframework#4835)
- [4838: Little fix in InputFilter/Factory](zendframework#4838)
- [4847: Fix Version::getLatest docblock](zendframework#4847)
- [4850: Allow form elements created via Annotations to have same default InputFilter as created via array specification](zendframework#4850)
- [4854: Allow FormElementErrors view helper to translate messages](zendframework#4854)
- [4856: Zend\Validator\File\MimeType warning with no params](zendframework#4856)
- [4857: `fault` property must be an instance of \Zend\XmlRpc\Fault](zendframework#4857)
- [4858: Removed @category, @Package and @subpackage docblock tags in ZendTest\Config](zendframework#4858)
- [4859: doc block changes in head view helpers](zendframework#4859)
- [4866: update tests/ZendTest/Mvc/ApplicationTest.php](zendframework#4866)
- [4870: Use MvcTranslator to inject view helpers](zendframework#4870)