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Merge pull request ariffb25#199 from syahrularranger/main
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pvp suit
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ariffb25 authored Oct 23, 2021
2 parents d9748cd + 2210678 commit 8058757
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Showing 2 changed files with 134 additions and 0 deletions.
40 changes: 40 additions & 0 deletions plugins/suit.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
Made by
Jangan di hapus credit nya :)
let timeout = 60000
let poin = 500
let poin_lose = -100
let handler = async (m, { conn, usedPrefix }) => {
conn.suit = conn.suit ? conn.suit : {}
if (Object.values(conn.suit).find(room =>'suit') && [room.p, room.p2].includes(m.sender))) throw 'Selesaikan suit mu yang sebelumnya'
if (!m.mentionedJid[0]) return m.reply(`_Siapa yang ingin kamu tantang?_\nTag orangnya.. Contoh\n\n${usedPrefix}suit @${owner[1]}`,, { contextInfo: { mentionedJid: [owner[1] + ''] } })
if (Object.values(conn.suit).find(room =>'suit') && [room.p, room.p2].includes(m.mentionedJid[0]))) throw `Orang yang kamu tantang sedang bermain suit bersama orang lain :(`
let id = 'suit_' + new Date() * 1
let caption = `
_*SUIT PvP*_
@${m.sender.split`@`[0]} menantang @${m.mentionedJid[0].split`@`[0]} untuk bermain suit
Silahkan @${m.mentionedJid[0].split`@`[0]}
let footer = `Ketik "terima/ok/gas" untuk memulai suit\nKetik "tolak/gabisa/nanti" untuk menolak`
conn.suit[id] = {
chat: await conn.send2Button(, caption, footer, 'Terima', 'ok', 'Tolak', 'tolak', m, { contextInfo: { mentionedJid: conn.parseMention(caption) } }),
id: id,
p: m.sender,
p2: m.mentionedJid[0],
status: 'wait',
waktu: setTimeout(() => {
if (conn.suit[id]) conn.reply(, `_Waktu suit habis_`, m)
delete conn.suit[id]
}, timeout), poin, poin_lose, timeout
handler.tags = ['game'] = ['suitpvp', 'suit'].map(v => v + ' @tag')
handler.command = /^suit(pvp)?$/i
handler.limit = false = true

module.exports = handler
94 changes: 94 additions & 0 deletions pluginsuitpvp_ans.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
let handler = m => m
handler.before = async function (m) {
this.suit = this.suit ? this.suit : {}
if ([m.sender].suit < 0)[m.sender].suit = 0
let room = Object.values(this.suit).find(room => && room.status && [room.p, room.p2].includes(m.sender))
if (room) {
let win = ''
let tie = false
if (m.sender == room.p2 && /^(acc(ept)?|terima|gas|oke?|tolak|gamau|nanti|ga(k.)?bisa)/i.test(m.text) && m.isGroup && room.status == 'wait') {
if (/^(tolak|gamau|nanti|ga(k.)?bisa)/i.test(m.text)) {
this.reply(, `@${room.p2.split`@`[0]} menolak suit, suit dibatalkan`, m)
delete this.suit[]
return !0
room.status = 'play'
room.asal =
//delete room[].waktu
m.reply(`Suit telah dikirimkan ke chat
@${room.p.split`@`[0]} dan
Silahkan pilih suit di chat masing"
klik${conn.user.jid.split`@`[0]}`,, {
contextInfo: {
mentionedJid: [room.p, room.p2]

if (!room.pilih) this.send3Button(room.p, 'Silahkan pilih', `Menang +${room.poin}XP\nKalah -${room.poin_lose}XP`, 'Batu🗿', 'Batu', 'Kertas📄', 'Kertas', 'Gunting✂️', 'Gunting', m)
if (!room.pilih2) this.send3Button(room.p2, 'Silahkan pilih', `Menang +${room.poin}XP\nKalah -${room.poin_lose}XP`, 'Batu🗿', 'Batu', 'Kertas📄', 'Kertas', 'Gunting✂️', 'Gunting', m)
room.waktu_milih = setTimeout(() => {
if (!room.pilih && !room.pilih2) this.reply(, `Kedua pemain tidak niat main,\nSuit dibatalkan`)
else if (!room.pilih || !room.pilih2) {
win = !room.pilih ? room.p2 : room.p
this.reply(, `@${(room.pilih ? room.p2 : room.p).split`@`[0]} tidak memilih suit, game berakhir`, m)[win == room.p ? room.p : room.p2].exp += room.poin[win == room.p ? room.p2 : room.p].exp -= room.poin_lose
delete this.suit[]
return !0
}, room.timeout)
let jwb = m.sender == room.p
let jwb2 = m.sender == room.p2
let g = /gunting/i
let b = /batu/i
let k = /kertas/i
let reg = /^(gunting|batu|kertas)/i
if (jwb && reg.test(m.text) && !room.pilih && !m.isGroup) {
room.pilih = reg.exec(m.text.toLowerCase())[0]
room.text = m.text
m.reply(`Kamu telah memilih ${m.text} ${!room.pilih2 ? `\n\nMenunggu lawan memilih` : ''}`)
if (!room.pilih2) this.reply(room.p2, '_Lawan sudah memilih_\nSekarang giliran kamu', 0)
if (jwb2 && reg.test(m.text) && !room.pilih2 && !m.isGroup) {
room.pilih2 = reg.exec(m.text.toLowerCase())[0]
room.text2 = m.text
m.reply(`Kamu telah memilih ${m.text} ${!room.pilih ? `\n\nMenunggu lawan memilih` : ''}`)
if (!room.pilih) this.reply(room.p, '_Lawan sudah memilih_\nSekarang giliran kamu', 0)
let stage = room.pilih
let stage2 = room.pilih2
if (room.pilih && room.pilih2) {
if (b.test(stage) && g.test(stage2)) win = room.p
else if (b.test(stage) && k.test(stage2)) win = room.p2
else if (g.test(stage) && k.test(stage2)) win = room.p
else if (g.test(stage) && b.test(stage2)) win = room.p2
else if (k.test(stage) && b.test(stage2)) win = room.p
else if (k.test(stage) && g.test(stage2)) win = room.p2
else if (stage == stage2) tie = true
this.reply(room.asal, `
_*Hasil Suit*_${tie ? '\nSERI' : ''}
@${room.p.split`@`[0]} (${room.text}) ${tie ? '' : room.p == win ? ` Menang \n+${room.poin}XP` : ` Kalah \n-${room.poin_lose}XP`}
@${room.p2.split`@`[0]} (${room.text2}) ${tie ? '' : room.p2 == win ? ` Menang \n+${room.poin}XP` : ` Kalah \n-${room.poin_lose}XP`}
`.trim(), m, { contextInfo: { mentionedJid: [room.p, room.p2] } })
if (!tie) {[win == room.p ? room.p : room.p2].exp += room.poin[win == room.p ? room.p2 : room.p].exp += room.poin_lose

delete this.suit[]
return !0
handler.exp = 0
module.exports = handler

function random(arr) {
return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)]

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