Autonomous behavior selection for self-driving cars using probabilistic logic factored Markov decision processes
This repository contains the required software to reproduce the results presented in the manuscript paper "Autonomous behavior selection for self-driving cars using probabilistic logic factored Markov decision processes". Such results can be summarized as follows:
- Experiment 1: Test in an environment with 5 static cars
- Experiment 2: Test in an environment with 10 static cars
- Experiment 3: Test in an environment with 5 moving cars
Methodology details are described in the contributed paper.
- Ubuntu 20.04
- ROS Noetic (
- Webots 2022a (
Note: It is assumed that Ubuntu OS, ROS platform and Webots simulator are already installed.
- $ cd
- $ git clone
- $ cd Autonomous_Behavior_Selection_2023/catkin_ws
- $ catkin_make
- $ echo "source ~/Autonomous_Behavior_Selection_2023/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
- $ source ~/.bashrc
To test each experiment:
- $ roslaunch aai_2023 experiment1_5_cars.launch
- $ roslaunch aai_2023 experiment1_10_cars.launch
- $ roslaunch aai_2023 experiment2.launch
In each experiment you should see a simulator like this:
Héctor Avilés
[email protected]
Marco Negrete
[email protected]