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added tradeOasis function, freeColaterral and TotalDebt
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Robsonsjre committed May 11, 2020
1 parent d6448c4 commit 0c81ff4
Showing 1 changed file with 88 additions and 54 deletions.
142 changes: 88 additions & 54 deletions contracts/collateralSwap/collateralswap.sol
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,87 +1,121 @@
pragma solidity ^0.5.16;

import "./makerinterface.sol";
import "../interfaces/IMaker.sol";
import "../interfaces/IERC20.sol";
import "../constants/ConstantAddresses.sol";

// "MCD_VAT": "0xbA987bDB501d131f766fEe8180Da5d81b34b69d9"
// "MCD_JOIN_DAI": "0x5AA71a3ae1C0bd6ac27A1f28e1415fFFB6F15B8c"
// "MCD_DAI": "0x4F96Fe3b7A6Cf9725f59d353F723c1bDb64CA6Aa"
// "CDP_MANAGER": "0x1476483dD8C35F25e568113C5f70249D3976ba21",
// "WETH": "0xd0A1E359811322d97991E03f863a0C30C2cF029C",
// "PIP_ETH": "0x75dD74e8afE8110C8320eD397CcCff3B8134d981",
// "MCD_JOIN_ETH_A": "0x775787933e92b709f2a3C70aa87999696e74A9F8",
// "MCD_FLIP_ETH_A": "0xB40139Ea36D35d0C9F6a2e62601B616F1FfbBD1b",
// "GET_CDPS": "0x592301a23d37c591C5856f28726AF820AF8e7014",
// "PROXY_ACTIONS": "0x82ecD135Dce65Fbc6DbdD0e4237E0AF93FFD5038",
// ETH-A in bytes32 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
// BAT-A in bytes32 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

contract mintingDAI {
contract Collateralswap is ConstantAddresses {

// function openCDP() external payable {

// }
address JoinETH = 0x775787933e92b709f2a3C70aa87999696e74A9F8;
address JoinDAI = 0x5AA71a3ae1C0bd6ac27A1f28e1415fFFB6F15B8c;
address daiAddress = 0x4F96Fe3b7A6Cf9725f59d353F723c1bDb64CA6Aa;
address mcdVAT = 0xbA987bDB501d131f766fEe8180Da5d81b34b69d9;
address cdpManager = 0x1476483dD8C35F25e568113C5f70249D3976ba21;
bytes32 ethA = 0x4554482d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;
bytes32 batA = 0x4241542d41000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000;

IErc20 wETH = IErc20(0xd0A1E359811322d97991E03f863a0C30C2cF029C);
IErc20 DAI = IErc20(0x4F96Fe3b7A6Cf9725f59d353F723c1bDb64CA6Aa);
GemJoinLike ethJoin = GemJoinLike(JoinETH);
GemJoinLike daiJoin = GemJoinLike(JoinDAI);
VatLike Vat = VatLike(mcdVAT);
ManagerLike cdpmanager = ManagerLike(cdpManager);

function bytes32ToStr(bytes32 _bytes32) public pure returns (string memory) {

// string memory str = string(_bytes32);
// TypeError: Explicit type conversion not allowed from "bytes32" to "string storage pointer"
// thus we should fist convert bytes32 to bytes (to dynamically-sized byte array)

bytes memory bytesArray = new bytes(32);
for (uint256 i; i < 32; i++) {
bytesArray[i] = _bytes32[i];
return string(bytesArray);
GemJoinLike ethJoin = GemJoinLike(ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS);
GemJoinLike daiJoin = GemJoinLike(DAI_JOIN_ADDRESS);
VatLike Vat = VatLike(VAT_ADDRESS);
ManagerLike cdpmanager = ManagerLike(MANAGER_ADDRESS);
OasisLike Oasis = OasisLike(OASIS_MATCHING_MARKET);

function payToContract() external payable returns(string memory){
return "done";

function mintWETHandTransferBack() external payable returns(string memory) {
function getETHBalance() external view returns(uint balance) {
balance = address(this).balance;

function getWETHBalance() external view returns(uint balance) {
balance = wETH.balanceOf(address(this));

function getDAIBalance() external view returns(uint balance) {
balance = DAI.balanceOf(address(this));

function amountOfLockedCollateral(address _owner, bytes32 _ilk) public view returns(uint256 ink, uint256 art) {
return Vat.urns(_ilk, _owner);

function getDAIVatBalance() external view returns(uint balance) {
return Vat.dai(address(this));

function MintWETH() public payable {
//Convert ETH to WETH

function tradeOasis(address inputToken, uint inputAmount, address outputToken) public returns(uint) {
// Need to check if inputToken is WETH? maybe not
IERC20 erc20 = IERC20(inputToken);
erc20.approve(OASIS_MATCHING_MARKET, 10000 ether);
//Market order to sell the WETH for DAI
uint outputAmount = Oasis.sellAllAmount(
return outputAmount;

function getTotalDebt(
bytes32 ilk
) public view returns (int dart) {
// Gets actual rate from the vat
(, uint rate,,,) = Vat.ilks(ilk);
// Gets actual art value of the urn
(, uint art) = Vat.urns(ilk, address(this));
uint dai = Vat.dai(address(this));
// Uses the whole dai balance in the vat to reduce the debt
dart = int(dai / rate);
// Checks the calculated dart is not higher than (total debt), otherwise uses its value
dart = uint(dart) <= art ? - dart : - int(art);

function freeCollateral() public returns (uint){
int dart = getTotalDebt(ethA);
Vat.frob(ethA, address(this), address(this), address(this), int(0), dart);
return address(this).balance;

function openVaultLockCollateralAndMint(int daiAmountToMint, uint daiAmountToWithdraw) external payable returns(string memory) {
//Convert ETH to WETH

//Approve EthJoin to spend wETH
wETH.approve(JoinETH, 10 ether);
wETH.approve(ETH_JOIN_ADDRESS, 1000 ether);

//Open the vault using the open function.
// bytes32("ETH-A")
// uint cdpID =, address(this));
// address urnAddress = cdpmanager.urns(cdpID);

// Allocate the WETH to the vault using join
// // Allocate the WETH to the vault using join
ethJoin.join(address(this), msg.value);

// Lock the WETH into the vault using the frob function.
// Vaults are managed via frob(i, u, v, w, dink, dart),
// which modifies the Vault of user u,
// using gem from user v and creating dai for user w.
//Draw Dai from the vault using the frob function.
Vat.frob(ethA, address(this), address(this), address(this), 1e18, 20e18);
// // Lock the WETH into the vault using the frob function.
// // Vaults are managed via frob(i, u, v, w, dink, dart),
// // which modifies the Vault of user u,
// // using gem from user v and creating dai for user w.
// //Draw Dai from the vault using the frob function.

Vat.frob(ethA, address(this), address(this), address(this), int(msg.value), daiAmountToMint);

//move the Dai out of the vault.
// //move the Dai out of the vault.
// Vat.move(urnAddress, address(this), 2e18);

//approve the DaiJoin contract to access the user's Dai balance
// //approve the DaiJoin contract to access the user's Dai balance

//Mint ERC20 Dai using the exit function, which in turns call the mint function of the ERC20 Dai contract.
daiJoin.exit(address(this), 2e18);
// //Mint ERC20 Dai using the exit function, which in turns call the mint function of the ERC20 Dai contract.
daiJoin.exit(address(this), daiAmountToWithdraw);

DAI.transfer(msg.sender, 2e18);
// DAI.transfer(msg.sender, 2e18);

return "ok";
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