- Amsterdam
RETE Public
Simple RETE algorithm implementation
related Public
Forked from genomoncology/relatedNested Object Models in Python with dictionary, YAML, and JSON transformation support
Python MIT License UpdatedAug 15, 2020 -
ConectarSalud Public
Android application for patient-doctor interaction developed in Kotlin.
ConectarSaludBackOffice Public
Back office web app to manage information for an Android application that connects doctors with patients.
tornado-server-boilerplate Public
Python Tornado server boilerplate with Logging (console, file and UDP), Scheduling, CORS, MongoDB connection, HTTPS and Distributed Lock server support, docker-compose configuration for deployment …
delivery-status Public
Simple package delivery tracking system.
eleccionesFrontEnd Public
Forked from facuguerrero/eleccionesFrontEndFront-end solution for real-time analysis of the Argentinian presidential campaign 2019 on Twitter. Languages and Technologies: React, JavaScript, Html, CSS, Python.
ProperatiMachineLearning Public
Different prediction algorithms that calculate the selling price of properties in Buenos Aires City. Languages and Technologies: Python, Pandas, Machine Learning Algorithms, Jupyter Notebook, Googl…
ProperatiDataAnalysis Public
Exploratory Data Analysis that tries to understand what variables influence the selling price of properties in Buenos Aires City. Languages and Technologies: Python, Pandas, Jupyter Notebook, Googl…
SistemasGraficos Public
WebGL JavaScript 3D scene application
eleccionesBackEnd Public
Forked from facuguerrero/eleccionesBackEndBack-end solution for real-time analysis of the Argentinian presidential campaign 2019 on Twitter. Languages and Technologies: Python, Flask, MongoDB, Twython, Numpy, Pandas.
track-list-manager Public
Harmonic track list maker based on the Camelot key system.
PicappAppServer Public
Back End Application Server for a social media app.
haskell-examples Public
Haskell code examples for university presentation
PicAppAndroid Public
Forked from marcossch/PicAppAndroidEnd-to-end development of a social media mobile app with android support. This is the Android Client. Languages and Technologies: Android, Firebase, JAVA, Google Maps API.
picapp-web Public
Back office web app for a social media application.
taller-de-programacion-2.github.io Public
Forked from ingenieria-del-software-2/ingenieria-del-software-2.github.ioPágina de la materia Taller de programación 2, Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Buenos Aires
HTML MIT License UpdatedMar 22, 2018 -