Web Codenames is a web-based implementation of the popular board game "Codenames." The game allows players to form two teams and compete to guess words based on their associations. This project aims to provide a fun and interactive platform for playing Codenames online with friends.
- Two teams: Red and Blue.
- Real-time gameplay with Socket.IO.
- Player roles: Master and Player.
- Bot Masters for single-player or practice sessions.
- Word associations to guide players in guessing.
- Timer to keep the game pace.
- Game state persistence.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/RofLANi4/Web-Codenames.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd Web-Codenames
- Install the dependencies
npm install
Start the server:
node server.js
In a separate terminal, start the React development server:
npm start
Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.
- Join a team by clicking on the respective buttons: "Join Red Master", "Join Blue Master", "Join Red Player", or "Join Blue Player".
- Once all players have joined, click the "Start Game" button.
- Masters: Provide associations for the words on the board.
- Players: Guess the words based on the associations provided by the master.
- Bot Masters: Automatically provide associations based on the remaining unguessed words.
- Click on a word to select it. If you are a player, your team must collectively select the word to guess it.
- The game tracks the number of votes for each word and reveals the word when the required number of votes is reached.
- The timer keeps track of the game time. Ensure your team guesses words before the time runs out.