QuickBuy: E-commerce platform featuring an admin interface which enables creation updating and deletion of product and categories alongside a product recommendation system. Created user access features to filter products by price and category explore add to cart and proceed to checkout. Implemented a product recommendation system used keywords from user search history to calculate similarity between products and keywords to give personalized recommendations. Used React for front-end NodeJS Express MongoDB for backend and RESTful API JSON web tokens for authorization and to employ the application logic. Designed Admin and user access roles enabling create update delete and read Products. Utilized Git and Github to upload manage and consistently maintain the project source code ensuring version control
Here're some of the project's best features:
- Category wise filters
- filter produts with price
- Personalized product recommendation system
1. Download the code or
git clone
2. Run npm install : to install project dependancies
npm install
3. Run the project on your machine
npm run dev
Technologies used in the project:
- NodeJs
- React
- MongoDB
- Express
- JavaScript
- Rest API