This package provides an IMU plugin for robot localisation, developed within the ROMEA ecosystem for ROS2. It processes data from an IMU to compute unbiased angular speed and vehicle attitude (roll and pitch). The angular speed bias (average angular speed) is estimated when the robot is stationary. A zero-velocity detection algorithm, based on accelerometer and odometry data, is used to determine whether the robot is stationary.
vehicle_controller/odom (nav_msgs::msg::msg::Odometry)
This topic is pusblished by standard vehicle controllers (diff_drive_controller,ackermann_steering_controller, four_wheel_steering_controller) and provides a lot informations like linear angular and speeds and dead reckoning.
imu/data (sensor_msgs::msg::Imu)
This topic is published by imu sensor and provides linear accelerations, angular speeds and attitude angles
angular_speed (romea_localisation_msgs::msg::ObservationAngularSpeedStamped)
Unbiased angular speed and its variance
attitude (romea_localisation_msgs::msg::ObservationAttitudeStamped)
Roll and pitch angles and their covariance
imu.acceleration_noise_density (double)
Noise density of acceleration data in m/s^2/√Hz
imu.acceleration_bias_stability_std (double)
Standard deviation of acceleration data biases in m/s^2
imu.acceleration_range (double)
Range of acceleration data in m/s^2
imu.angular_speed_noise_density (double)
Noise density of angular speed data in rad/s/√Hz
imu.angular_speed_bias_stability_std (double)
Standard deviation of angular_speed data biases in rad/s
imu.angular_speed_range (double)
Range of angular speed data in rad/s
imu.magnetic_noise_density (double)
Noise density of magnetic data in T/√Hz
imu.magnetic_bias_stability_std (double)
Standard deviation of magnetic data biases in T
imu.magnetic_range (double)
Range of magnetic data in T
imu.heading_std (double)
Standard deviation of heading angle in degrees
- (vector of double)
Imu position in localisation body reference frame (usually base_foot_print_link) in meters
imu.rpy (vector of double)
Imu orientation in localisation body reference frame (usually base_foot_print_link) in degrees
restamping (bool, default: false)
If this parameter is set to true stamp of angular speed and attitude messages is equal to computer current time else this stamp is equal imu message stamp. This paremeter will be used when imu data are coming from a remote master.
debug (bool, default: false)
Enable or not debug logs
See romea_ros2_localisation_bringup project
If you'd like to contribute to this project, here are some guidelines:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your changes.
- Make your changes.
- Write tests to cover your changes.
- Run the tests to ensure they pass.
- Commit your changes.
- Push your changes to yo
This project is released under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.
The romea_ros2_localisation_imu_plugin project was developed by Jean Laneurit in the context of BaudetRob2 ANR project.
If you have any questions or comments about romea_ros2_localisation_imu_plugin project, please contact Jean Laneurit