This package provides a pipeline pattern implementation.
The pipeline pattern allows you to easily compose sequential stages by chaining stages.
In this particular implementation the interface consists of two parts:
- StageInterface
- PipelineInterface
A pipeline consists of zero, one, or multiple stages. A pipeline can process a payload. During the processing the payload will be passed to the first stage. From that moment on the resulting value is passed on from stage to stage.
In the simplest form, the execution chain can be represented as a foreach:
$result = $payload;
foreach ($stages as $stage) {
$result = $stage->process($result);
return $result;
Pipelines are implemented as immutable stage chains. When you pipe a new stage, a new pipeline will be created with the added stage. This makes pipelines easy to reuse, and minimizes side-effects.
use League\Pipeline\Pipeline;
use League\Pipeline\StageInterface;
class TimesTwoStage implements StageInterface
public function process($payload)
return $payload * 2;
class AddOneStage implements StageInterface
public function process($payload)
return $payload + 1;
$pipeline = (new Pipeline)
->pipe(new TimeTwoStage)
->pipe(new AddOneStage);
// Returns 21
Because the PipelineInterface is an extension of the StageInterface pipelines can be re-used as stages. This creates a highly composable model to create complex execution patterns while keeping the cognitive load low.
For example, if we'd want to compose a pipeline to process API calls, we'd create something along these lines:
$processApiRequest = (new Pipeline)
->pipe(new ExecuteHttpRequest) // 2
->pipe(new ParseJsonResponse); // 3
$pipeline = (new Pipeline)
->pipe(new ConvertToPsr7Request) // 1
->pipe($processApiRequest) // (2,3)
->pipe(new ConvertToResponseDto); // 4
$pipeline->process(new DeleteBlogPost($postId));
The CallableStage
class is supplied to encapsulate parameters which satisfy
the callable
type hint. This class enables you to use any type of callable as a
$pipeline = (new Pipeline)
->pipe(CallableStage::forCallable(function ($payload) {
return $payload * 10;
// or
$pipeline = (new Pipeline)
->pipe(new CallableStage(function ($payload) {
return $payload * 10;
Because pipelines themselves are immutable, pipeline builders are introduced to facilitate distributed composition of a pipeline.
The pipeline builders collect stages and allow you to create a pipeline at any given time.
use League\Pipeline\PipelineBuilder;
// Prepare the builder
$pipelineBuilder = (new PipelineBuilder)
->add(new LogicalStage)
->add(new AnotherStage)
->add(new LastStage);
// Build the pipeline
$pipeline = $pipelineBuilder->build();
This package is completely transparent when dealing with exceptions. In no case will this package catch an exception or silence an error. Exceptions should be dealt with on a per-case basis. Either inside a stage or at the time the pipeline processes a payload.
$pipeline = (new Pipeline)
->pipe(CallableStage::forCallable(function () {
throw new LogicException();
try {
} catch(LogicException $e) {
// Handle the exception.