Omegle Clone is an.. Omegle like app
- Anonymity
- No real names
- No profile pictures
- Only phone number is shared but only to the app, for strict authentication and restrictions
- Contains search button, on searching engagement status of the user is changed to searching.
- Two users with searching statuses are picked at random
- Check whether user is authenticated a. If user is unauthenticated, create a room and join them b. if user is authenticated i. Check whether these two users are friends 1. if they are, match them within their existing room_id 2. else store corressponding details within the chat_room collection and all the messages are posted under messages collection
- Users can send strangers friend requests, these friend requests can only be sent and accepted while the chat is active, if a user leaves chat room before accepting the chat request, the chat will be gone forever.
- On Accepting the friend request, chat carries on as it is, and the user is saved in friends_list along with room_id
- On closing a room, the person who closes the room will go back to home screen
- The other will stay on chat screen, where they won't be able to message anymore, but can search for a new chat
- When a user leaves chat screen while their engagement is free, this becomes an indication to delete that specific room from database
- When user leaves the chat screen
- When user closes the app
- Friends can be seen listed within the friends tab
- Users can click and continue chatting from where they left off