STEP_1 Firstly, replacing all null values/blank values to 0 , Change datatype wherever required , Extract seconds, minutes from avg. talk duration and create a new column by naming -Duration on calls (change the data type)
KPIS 1.CALLER ID, this column gives the unique identification number of each caller
2.AGENT, here we have names of each agent
3.DATE, gives you the date of each call have been received/got it on that particular date
4.TIME, we have time here in hh:mm:ss format of each call have been received
5.TOPIC, name of the subject on calls has been received (topic names)
6.ANSWERED, here we get to know whether call has been received or abounded by giving us a value in yes/no format(Y/N)
7.RESOLVED, name of the column itself says, calls which agents received it resolved or not. (Y/N)
8.SPEED OF ANSWER IN SECOND, what is the speed of each call
9.AVG. TALK DURATION, particular agent how long has been gone through on particular call-in average duration
10.SATISFATION RATE, the rating of each agent, who has got how much rating on satisfying callers query on each call