I wanted to try writing some assembly programs in the Commodore 64
These were tested using the Vice emulator http://vice-emu.sourceforge.net/
To build install the tpmx assembler https://style64.org/file/TMPx_v1.1.0-STYLE.zip
More info: http://turbo.style64.org/
To build the programs:
- Install tmpx (in unix like systems ensure the binary file from above is in your path)
- Run
ormake <task>
Load the .d64 file. (In Vice use File -> Smart Attach Disk Image) and then run the program by using the sys
These programs start at address $1000 or 4096 so run:
sys 4096
This folder just contains serveral different (but similar) ways to print "HELLO, WORLD!" to the screen.
I mainly used this to figure out differnet concepts like labels and sub-routines.