Heyyy! I just released this library and currently writing some docs for it, so please wait a while.
But if you are eager and cannot wait:
composer require russbalabanov/tiny-rest
Please modify your services.yaml
file to register this two services
Transfer object is a tiny wrapper for HTTP request. The transfer object SHOULD NOT contain entities or convert some user data into complex custom objects. The general idea is having a validatable object which will contain pure user data
@Property(name="foo", mapped=true, type="datetime")
- By default the name equals to the name of the property but can be changed for the cases when there is manual mapping needed
- whether the value will be set to Transfer object or not. Default: true
- There are cases when the value should be casted to a certain type, for example using Transfer Object as filter in a repository. This types are available for type cast: string
, integer
, float
, array
, datetime
, boolean
. Default value is string
The annotation should be used for describing the transfer strategy with the entity. By default the column name equals to the name of the property.
The annotation cannot be used without @Property()
@Mapping(column="someEntityField", mapped=true)
- By default the name equals to the name of the property but can be changed for the cases when there is manual mapping needed
- Can be set as false for cases when the property should not transfer it's data to the entity. Default: true
The @Relation()
annotation is built for the cases when the plain value in the transfer object should be converted into relation entity.
- Default: id
* @OnObjectHydrated(method="setTimestamp")
class SomeClass implements TransferObjectInterface
private $timestamp;
public function setTimestamp()
$this->timestamp = time();
Triggers after object hydration but before validation
* @OnObjectHydrated(callback={"OtherClass", "getRandomNumber"})
class SomeClass implements TransferObjectInterface
public $randomNumber;
class OtherClass
public static function getRandomNumber(SomeClass $object)
$object->randomNumber = mt_rand(1, 10);
Triggers after object validation
The idea of all operations was to allow user to care less about the trivial and usual stuff and focus on business logic
To create an entity out of request you will need only three agruments. Request object, TransferObject (as a tiny wrapper for the request) and an Entity object.
* @var Product $product
$product = $handler->create($request, new ProductTransferObject(), new Product());
The update method is almost the same as create() with one exception. If you are doing a PUT HTTP method all the ORM fields (except @Id) will be cleared
$handler->update($request, new ProductTransferObject(), $product);
use TinyRest\Pagination\PaginatedCollection
* @var PaginatedCollection $collection
$collection = $handler->getPaginatedList($request, new UserTransferObject(), $provider);
When you don't want to bother much with validation errors, you may want to go for this solution.
class ExceptionSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
KernelEvents::EXCEPTION => 'onKernelException',
public function onKernelException(GetResponseForExceptionEvent $event)
$e = $event->getException();
if ($e instanceof ValidationException) {
$error = $this->createValidationMessage($e);
$response = new JsonResponse($error, 400);
$response->headers->set('Content-Type', 'application/problem+json');
return $event;
return $event;
private function createValidationMessage(ValidationException $exception) : string
$violation = $exception->getViolationList()->get(0);
return sprintf('%s: %s', $violation->getPropertyPath(), $violation->getMessage());
WARNING: This project is currently in aplha stage, which means minimal risk of BC does exist.