Soundcloud downloader, supporting playlists and usernames, and also metadata downloading with the -m
Please remember to edit the client_id in
You can achieve this by opening the network tab of your browser, and performing pretty much any action, like clicking play on a song. You will get something similar to this, with one of the parameters being client_id.
./ -h
Displays usage help.
./ -u christchilds
Gets tracks for user christchilds
./ -p
Gets tracks from playlist drum-and-bass
by user user146407550
./ -m -u christchilds
Gets tracks for user christchilds
also downloading the metadata.
./ -u christchilds
[0] Found: Christchilds - Bass Set
[1] Found: Christchilds - Storm
[2] Found: Christchilds - Make It Bun Dem (Christchilds Beatport Contest Remix)
[3] Found: Christchilds - Pure Drum & Bass/Hardcore (MIX)
[4] Found: Christchilds - Winter
[5] Found: Christchilds - Be Strong - HalleluJAH (Drum Remix)
[6] Found: Christchilds - Dubstep Melody - DEMO
Enter the numbers to download, separated by commas (no spaces) "all" if you want to download them all.
"x" if you want to exit.
Choice(s): 1,2
Downloading Christchilds - Storm... [##########] 100%
Downloading Christchilds - Make It Bun Dem (Christchilds Beatport Contest Remix) ... [##### ] 59%