Shuffle duplicants until it finds one that meets a specified criteria!
1/1/19: I added simple GUI control. Also, it shuffles thorugh duplicants at a much faster rate now!
- Download python 3.
- Create a .json file with the configuration of the duplicant you want to find, and save it in the duplicants folder. The json file must be in the format shown below.
- Open the ONI duplicant selection screen.
- Run with python.
- Select the json file created in 2, and then click the duplicant number to shuffle.
- Click run, and immediately tab out to ONI. The program should start shuffling in a few seconds.
- To stop the program running prematurely, move your cursor to the top-left corner of the screen.
The json file must be in the following format: {"attributes": {attribute: [operator, value]}, "positive": [positive traits], "negative: [negative traits], "interests": [interests] }
- The operator can be >, >=, < or <=.
- If one positive trait is given, the script will match exactly that trait. If more than one is given, the script will match any one of the given traits.
- The script will exclude duplicants with any of the negative traits given.
- The script will find duplicants with all of the interests given.
The example.json file given searches for a duplicant with learning greater than 2, isn't a slow learner, noodle arms, loud sleeper or narcoleptic, and has research as an interest.
I'm just a beginner at this so this script probably contains loads of bugs, doesn't work for any other resolution than 1080p and breaks a whole load of programming practices. Use at your own risk!
There's plenty left to do with this project as well:
- Extend its functionality to other resolutions.
- Add ability to parse more than one duplicant at once.
- Add ability to build a comparison dictionary.
- Add duplicant templates.