aka Orange Juice The Spire
This mod currently adds Star Breaker from the game 100% Orange Juice.
Alongside her is a full suite of 80+ cards that are not guaranteed to play well with other mods. I did my best. While I do not yet know of any incompatibilities, please let me know if you find any.
All assets are from 100% Orange Juice and are property of Orange_Juice and Fruitbat Factory.
This mod is a work in progress, but it is still a fully playable (if not balanced) experience at the moment. Additional relics are planned, and new cards may be added in the future.
Norma: Star Breaker's initial relic is the Broken Bomb, which allows her to raise her Norma Level by playing Skill cards. Many of her cards have improved and/or additional effects when played at a higher Norma Level, so her potential rises the longer she stays in one combat. Norma Levels stack up to 5, and while additional stacks can be generated, they will have no effect. Unlike in her source game, Norma is lost once combat ends, and thus needs to be re-acquired each combat. Star Breaker also starts with an additional relic, the Homemark. This relic allows her to spend gold when outside of combat to permanently raise the Norma Level she starts combat with. While costly, it may be worth spending the gold to get a head start to some of her more powerful Norma effects.
Star Blasting Light: Any time Star Breaker's starter relic generates a Norma Level, a Star Blasting Light will be added to her hand, assuming there is room to do so. If her hand is full, it will be added to the top of her draw pile instead. Star Blasting Light effects every enemy on the field with the Blasting Light debuff, melting away stacks of Artifact in the process. Any Blasting Light put on a target will do damage at the end of the turn, similar to poison. Unlike poison however, the stacks will increase rather than decrease upon turn end. These stacks do not climb without end however, as the more stacks any target has, the more unstable the Blasting Light becomes, and the more likely it is to wear off after doing damage. On average, regardless of if the target starts with 1 stack of Blasting Light or 10, the expected damage dealt will be 10; it is simply a question of how many turns it will take.
Trap Cards: In addition to the Artifact melting properties of Star Blasting Light, Star Breaker also has multiple Artifact ignoring cards denoted by a unique card colour and the Trap tag. Trap cards are unique debuffs that often have specific activation conditions, rather than simply taking place instantly. While not every Trap card will be useful against every enemy and boss in the game, they are often incredibly effective against certain encounters.
Gift Cards: Like Trap cards, Gift cards also have a unique card colour and a Gift tag to differentiate them from other cards, though the similarities end there. Gift cards are specifically designed to not be played, and simply exert their effect by actively being in your hand. Gift cards also have a retain counter, denoting how many times they will retain before being discarded or exhausted. All Gift cards are at least Uncommon in rarity, and are often strong enough to be a backbone for certain deck builds. While Gift cards have no cost, and in fact do not even display the energy amount in the top left, they can be played to immediately discard or exhaust them. This prevents decks with large amounts of gift cards from being griefed by Runic Pyramid, and Gift cards may even have additional effects expressly achieved through playing them.
If you would like to make your own mod...
Check the wiki to get started: https://github.com/Gremious/StS-DefaultModBase/wiki