Tasks from projecteuler.net website
All solutions are encrypted:
It was encrypted using openssl command. Here is an example for problem #11:
openssl aes-256-cbc -e -a -in problem-11.lua -out problem-11.lua.enc
To decrypt it you have to solve it first and then use the answer as a password:
openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -d -a -in problem-11.lua.enc
Compile and run:
cd 0001-problem && clang problem-1.c && ./a.out
Just run it as an executable:
Mac OS:
brew install lua
# or
brew install tarantool
- Prime factorization (MathWorld)
- Prime factorization Algorithms (MathWorld)
- Integer Factorization Algorithms - Connelly Barnes, Department of Physics, Oregon State University (December 7, 2004)
Interesting video from Numberphile on YouTube.